Chapter 9

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Harry went to visit Simon in the countryside. Simon was his teacher from when he was young. They were very close. He always looked up at him.

" So you know Gigi? " Harry asked Simon. The conversation came up when they were talking about the neighbourhood and Simon mistakenly mentioned Gigi's death.

" Even his mother." He responded

" Their house is around here? " Harry asked.
Simon nods. Harry got up from his seat and went to look the neighborhood. When he went to the neighbour's courtyard, he could see the familiar figure of a man by the pond. When he saw who it was, he turned to go away unnoticed but bump into something and made noise. Of course he is Harry, he had to be clumsy in the most important situation. Then, Zayn turned around hearing the noise and saw that it is Harry Styles. He didn't expect him but and went after Harry who was going to walk away as fast as he could. But Zayn caught up with him and blocked his way.

" Why are you here? Here for the decision of the negotiation? " Zayn asked him.

" What negotiation?" Zayn asked nonchalant.

" Are there cameras? None over there and none over here." He gestures to his left and right.

" What are you talking about? There's no camera." Harry answered.

" If there's no camera then don't play an act. You attended the funeral and acted all remorseful but today you sent your manager to offer money to drop the case? "

" What? " Harry asked. He has no idea what this is about.

" Doing this and you still shamelessly maintain to the press you didn't do it?!"

" You can believe it or not but I don't know anything." And Harry tried to walk away but Zayn blocked his way.

" Zayn! Hey! " He said in hope of giving his way. But Zayn got in his personal space and took steps towards him. Harry backed away till he is on the edge of the pond.

" Stop Zayn! " He said pleadingly.

" You think we're poor so you throw us 3 million of your spare change? You think we'd get greedy over 3 million and forget about one woman's life?" Zayn said " let me tell you that you think wrong. Even if we're poor we don't worship money. I told you already that your money can buy anything except me and justice. "

" Zayn! Stop! Stop now! " Harry exclaimed in complete fear that if he took one more step, he would fall into the pond and he can't swim.

" You know how to be afraid? Huh? What are you afraid of? Afraid of falling in the water or afraid to die?" Zayn said and took one more step. Harry was about to fall but Zayn hold his hands and kept him from falling. If Zayn loosen the hold, Harry would surely fall into the water.

" You can't swim, can you? " Zayn smirked at him.

" You don't know anything. You don't understand."

" Why don't I understand? Why don't I know? I know. I know that right now you're feeling as Gi did  when your headlights were flashing in her face!
The minute of fear, life and death."

" Zayn.... please......" Harry pleads.

" You slap the price of 3 million on one life? Then let's see when you're about to die if your money can buy your life from death." With that he loosen his hold and Harry fell into the water.
Zayn just stood there watching Harry drown. He then walked away but turned back to see if he can't really swim. He could see that Harry was still flipping in the water so, he turned to go save him but a man came to Harry's rescue and took him out of the water. Zayn just stood and watch reminding himself that Harry deserves this.
Harry coughed out the water that he has been drinking due to drowning and with teary eyes he lifted his head to see Zayn smirking at him. At that moment, Harry knew that Zayn is a crazy person who hates him with passion. He also knew that Zayn was not going to drop the case easily.

Harry called Nick while he was on his way to have a talk with his mother.

" Nick tell me the truth. Did my mother tell you to offer Gigi's mother money? "

" Haz..." Nick answered unsure.

" If you love me then don't do anything like this again. I lost respect for my mother already. Don't make me lose respect for you as well. This is all." then he hung up the phone.

" Haz! And where are you going?! Haz?!" Nick asked but the line was already dead. He knew Harry was going to visit his mother and he knew for sure that it would not end up well. So, he dialed Anne's number but she didn't answer.

Harry called his mother to ask where she was at the moment but she didn't pick up her call so, he called her house phone.

" Hello, this is the Cooper's mansion" their housekeeper answered. " Mrs. Cooper?" she asked and looked around the house to see Desmond. She knew that Anne was not in the house. She smirked and answered " Yes, Mrs. Cooper is here. Come quick Harry." The mention of Harry's name peaked Desmond's interest and he looked curiously at the house keeper. " Mr. Cooper said he's going to an event. Yes." she liked " Goodbye Harry." She hung up the phone.

" Is that Harry?" Desmond asked.

" Yes. Harry is coming in to see Mrs. Cooper. Oh....I was confused I thought Mrs. Cooper was here. But she isn't here just you." She said giving him a knowing smile.

" Very deserving that you worked for me for a long time." Desmond smiled at her.

" Which room do you want Harry to meet you? " she asked with the same evil smile.

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