Chapter 5

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Harry's POV:

"No!" I screamed and woke up from my sleep. Why did I get the same dream again? I sighed and took the remote from the bedside table to turn on the TV.

" Haz! Don't turn on the TV" Kendall showed up in my bedroom and tried to take the remote from me. What's wrong with this lady?

" Why?"

" Haz someone told me that today the signal isn't working. So you can't watch even if you turn it on." she said like it's the most obvious thing. This doesn't make sense but I'll let it go.

" Ah...and you're hungry right? I'll make you some scrambled eggs." then she went out. Something is wrong with her. I got up from the bed and took my tabloid and turned it on only to find Nick giving an interview. What is this about?

" I must thank everyone for coming to hear the truth today. As everyone heard the rumors that Harry Styles is involved in the car accident hitting someone. I confirm and will say this once again and for the last time that Harry Styles has no involvement. Because that night, Harry went home with me."

What?? So my dream was true and I did hit someone? What am I going to do now? And why is Nick covering for me? So many questions came up.

Then I started remembering the events from last night. I was drugged by my step father. Then I hit a lady. how's the lady then? Is she okay? How injured was she? Then I began to panick. The incident kept replaying in my head and I started crying.

Third Person's POV:

At the hospital:

Zayn, Yolanda and Maya are waiting impatiently for the news of Gigi. The doctors said she was in a critical condition. A doctor came out of the ICU. Zayn went to the doctor and asked, " Doctor. How is my girlfriend?"

" How is Gigi? " Yolanda asked at the same time.

" I'm sorry." the doctor said and went away.

Yolanda fainted at the news and Maya attended her. And Zayn just stood there expressionless. His whole world was crashing down in front of him. The love of his life was gone. And he did not know how to react. Then he slowly sat on the floor and started weeping.

Zayn went in to the room where Gigi's lifeless body was kept and sat beside her holding her hands. All the memories of how he spent his life beside her came back to him like a flood. Tears were rolling down his cheeks. Then, he got up and kissed her forehead with the words " Rest in Peace Gi." in his mind.

At Harry's apartment:

" Haz, where are you going? " Kendall asked as Harry was dressing up.

" It wasn't a dream, Kenny. I really hit someone with my car. I'm going to turn myself in. I won't let Stefan take blame for me.

" You can't Haz."

" Harry! Don't go. Let Nick clear everything. Alright? " Kendall tried to convince him.

" No. Let go! "

" Haz! "

" Where are you going Harry? " someone said and they turned to find Anne, Harry's mother.

" I'm going to the police." Harry answered boldly and turned to go but his mother grabbed his wrist.

" Why are you going? What craziness are you going to do? What are you going for?"

" Mom! "

" Do you know that today I had to cancel all my events to run around and clear this problem for you? And you're still gonna find more problems for me? " she scolded him.

" I never asked you to help me." he said and went to leave.

" Haz! Haz! " Kendall followed him.
" Haz you can't go turn yourself in." she said calmly.

" Let him go Kendall. Good, let him go accept the truth." Anne came behind him " Nick and Stefan will be arrested for giving false statements. All three of them will be in jail together."
" Isn't it enough that your life is messed up. Why do you have to mess up other people's life too? And this isn't counting all the business that will suffer because of you. Your movie is still unfinished. It's still filming. It'll be amusing. Actress can't film her movie because she was arrested and jailed. The company that hired you will lose profit. Is it worth it with your stupid bravery?" She guilt tripped him with her words. " You always cause problems. But you can never solve them. If you don't want it to be worse than this then just stay still and play the game. Sit still and continue to be the pretty actor."

Harry narrowed his eyes at her  "Should I follow your footsteps? Create an image of being a saint to cover your own rottenness."

" Haz.." Kendall tried to keep him calm.

" I'm not that thick face." He yelled at his mother.

" If your face is thin then go back overseas. Don't dance around for a living and sleeping with men to embarrass me."
Harry stopped in his track.

" I will support you. Tell me how much money you want. I can support my only child. " Her words cut like knife to him but he just laughed out. He was no stranger to pain.

" This is not called supporting. It's called chasing. Chasing me out of your life because you don't want to see my face. You don't want me close to you because I'm the thorn to your heart. I'm the truth that you despise. The Anne Cooper that everyone thinks is angel in society is really someone money hungry, does everything for money" Anne slapped him across the face.

" Auntie. Auntie calm down." Kendall shook her shoulder to calm her.

" Good! Good that you know my history. Then you should know that I will never allow my life to be destroyed because of your carelessness! Understand?!" She yelled at him.

Harry turned to her in disbelief with tears in his eyes. " What happened was not because of carelessness. Do you want to know why it happened? Then go ask your husband what he did to me!" then he slammed the door and went out.

" Haz! Wait! " Kendall trailed behind his back.

" Haz! What do you mean by that? What did your step father do to you?"

" I will explain to you Kenny but right now let me go visit the person I ran over with my car first."

Liam entered and came to them.
" Where are you going? "

" I'm only going to visit the lady I hit." Then he tried to walk but Liam stopped him.

" Haz you don't need to go see Gi."

" Gi? "

" The lady you ran over is Gigi. And she's my relative's girlfriend."

" I'm sorry Liam. I really didn't mean to." he begged " and how is she Liam? Which hospital is she in? Could you please take me? I beg you."

" You don't need to go."

" Why can't I go? " he raised his voice frustrated.

" Gigi passed away Haz! " He looked at him frightened not believing what he just heard.

" She passed away. "

Harry crumpled down on the floor devastated. Silent tears were rolling down his face.

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