The Kitchen is My Nemesis

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I felt my stomach start to rumble. I had already unpacked most of my stuff. All my clothes were neatly folded in drawers, coats hung up in the closet, and all my school supplies and books were put away in a work desk. Now I was hungry. I didn't eat anything this morning since I over slept. It's probably been just over two hours since Oliver left.  

I made my way down to the kitchen. I might not be able to cook, but I'm sure I can make a sandwich or something simple. 

Rounding the corner I felt my heart jump into my throat. "OH CHEESE AND CRACKERS!" I grabbed at my chest to calm my heart.

Ace, the giant, was standing with the fridge door open. "Ah, I forgot you'd be moving in this morning." He said calmly before returning to raiding the fridge. I took a minute to steady my breath. "I-I t-thought I was the only one here. J-jeez, you nearly have me a heart attack."

He hummed in response, now having some kind of granola bar sticking out of his mouth. I mentally cursed out the giant. I guess this was one of the negatives of living in such a huge house. You don't know when people come in.

Taking a better look now I saw a blender pulled out on the counter, along with a bunch of fruit, yogurt, nuts and other packets. The giant himself was wearing a black sleeveless shirt and sweat pants. His hair looked slightly damp too, like he just got out of the shower.

"W-what are you doing?"

He finished off the granola before answering. "Meal prep." He closed up the fridge after pulling out a pineapple. Taking out a knife he swiftly carved up the fruit like it was nothing. I made my way over to the countertop and watched. He placed all of his ingredients into the blender and hit puree. While it was going he pulled out a couple plastic bottles. I think he noticed I was watching because he turned to face me.

"What?" He asked. It wasn't accusing, just curious.

"N-nothing. Just... watching." I felt my face flush slightly. I didn't really mean to sit and stare. He just moved through the kitchen so smoothly. "I-Im just going to make a sandwich." I mumbled as I went to look for bread.

This kitchen was huge. It hade many cupboards and cabinets. I had walked to the opposite side of the giants work space, wanting to give him space. I started randomly opening doors and closing them when they didn't have what I needed. I must have opened five cabinets without finding a single sandwich ingredient.

Maybe I should just go back to my room for a bit. After he leaves I can explore more freely and not embarrass myself.

"Do you need help?"

Too late.

"Uh, y-yeah." Whelp, there's no hiding it. I obviously don't know where anything is.

He had stopped the blender so we could talk. Then started pouring his mixture into the bottles. "Bread is in the cupboard by the microwave. Left side." He pointed out. "What kind of sandwich did you want?"

I went to retrieve the bread. "S-something simple. Maybe p-peanut butter and jelly?"

"Here." He handed me a butter knife out of one of the drawers. "The jelly is in the fridge. Peanut butter should be in the pantry next to it." Going to the fridge I quickly found the jelly in the door. Going to the pantry I didn't see the peanut butter. I took a couple steps away to see if it was on a higher shelf. The pantry went from the floor to about a foot over the fridge. I hoped it wasn't on a high shelf.

Just to my luck, it was.

Of course.

Even though I new I probably couldn't grab it, I still tried. And I wasn't even close. My fingertips couldn't even touch the shelf.

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