Chapter Four: The Sides of the Bed

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Today was another day— the day Koeun never thought to be full of events.

Still lying on the bed, Koeun got back to her consciousness when she felt the warm sunlight trying to seep through her closed eyes. Fluttering it open, her brown orbs got to see the sight of the balcony drapes that were lightly billowed by the wind due to the glass doors being slightly ajar.

The girl stayed that way for a moment, a small smile making its way to her lips as her sleepy eyes gazed at the view. The sunlight wasn't too hot at the moment, considering that it was still on the rise. It grazed against her skin, making it look rosy and glowing. Her loose brown locks were in a slight mess.

The first sight she got to see this morning.

Finally, with enough energy, Koeun did a little stretch before she moved to face the other side, and when she did, she stopped abruptly, her eyes growing wide.

Beside her, with a little gap in between them, Mark was still asleep on his back, the lower half of him was covered by the sheets. Wearing the clothes he had last night on the balcony, one of his arms was resting on his forehead but she still could clearly see his face— how he looked peaceful amidst being stressed in his work.

Snapping out of her frozen state, Koeun found her head digging deeper into the pillows as she stared at his features. With the help of the sunlight, she observed how his lashes touched his skin and how his cheekbones got defined. His black hair was disheveled but despite that, he looked nice.

He looks dreamy.

The second sight she got to see this morning.

Just as she was getting the hang of gazing at him dreamily, and was about to think more of their moments last night, she heard the familiar sound of her ringtone ringing in her ears. Afraid that it might wake Mark up, she quickly sat up to grab her phone from the nightstand, answered the call, and brought it to her ear. "Hello?"

It didn't take that long for that person to respond. "Koeun?" It was Lucas. "Where are you?"

Koeun turned to face away from Mark. "Oh, hey, Lucas. Why are you asking?" She couldn't tell him where she was.

"You never returned my calls last night. I thought something happened to you." She heard him sigh in relief.

"Oh, that." The girl facepalmed herself. "Lucas, I'm sorry if that got you worried. I'm at home the whole night and I had it on silent because I was... busy."

"Busy? What are you busy with?"

"Personal stuff..." Koeun, you can do better than this. "Don't worry, I'm fine. Nothing happened to me."

"Are you sure?" She could hear the doubt in his tone.

"Yes. Thanks for the concern though." Biting her lip, she felt bad that she lied, but she had to. Lucas wouldn't take it too well when he knew she was spending time with the X-Force, not that the department still considered them as criminals.

It was because she knew her group still wasn't willing to be in good terms with them after everything that happened.

Hearing him sigh, Lucas finally brought down the topic. "Okay, if you say so." And then he added. "Just be careful, okay? Especially now that we have to escort Jaehyun to his new prison cell. There might be Taeyong's men lurking around."

Right, how could I forget about the task? "Yes, I will. Don't worry, I'm being careful. You can count that on me."

"Alright." Lucas replied. "You have to prepare now so you can come to the agency early. Chief Moon needs to discuss a few things with us before we proceed."

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