Chapter 4

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Josie's POV

So I went up to my room to see what Penelope sent and when I opened the door there she was. Penelope was standing in front of my bed I was shocked. Hey Penelope why are you here. I'm back Josie and i'm the gift from Belgium said Penelope. I went and hugged her and she kissed me. I was shocked but I kissed back cause I didn't know she thought of me like that anymore. But who was I to judge I missed kissing her and hanging out.

Penelope's POV

Josie walked into her room and she asked what I was doing here and I told her I was the gift from Belgium. She hugged me and I kissed her and she kissed back. Who am I kidding I missed her a lot. Hey Josie did you at least miss me? Of course I did P I was sad when you left. You could've made to journals for your magic pens and we could write to each other Josie said. You have a point Josie but I wanted to surprise you instead. Josie said something that made my heart skip a beat. Penelope I love you. I was shocked but I said it back cause why not. I did love her and nothing would make me more happier.

Hope's POV

I need to talk to Josie but I can't seem to reach her so im gonna go to her room. I went to her room and I heard 2 voices. Josie and someone else. I knocked on the door and Josie grunted. Come in she yelled. I came in and saw Penelope packing her stuff up to leave. Why are you leaving I just had to ask Josie something. What were you going to ask her. Were you going to ask her to be your girlfriend Penelope said. Hope do you have feelings for me Josie had asked. No I don't have feelings for you I was going to ask if you knew where Landon was. But I get it you don't like me so i'll leave you alone. Hope wait I didn't mean it like that i'm sorry Josie said sadly. I left without another word realizing I share a room with Penelope.

Landon's POV

I'm trying to find hope and then I heard her yelling in her room. Hey hope why are you yelling. Penelope just embarrassed me in front Josie hope said angrily. Well what did she say. She said that I wanted Josie to be my girlfriend hope said now sad. Well why would she say that we're dating after all unless you lost intrest. No i'm straight I always have been hope said.


I'm going crazy right now.

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