Chapter 15

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Josie's POV

Oh my god I just got embarrassed I told Penelope as we closed the door. Hey it was worth it though Penelope said as she walked over to the bathroom. Yeah it was I said as I smiled. Penelope and I got into the shower and washed up for dinner we got out and got dressed and we headed to the dining hall. We got our food and sat down and then all my friends came up and sat down. Hey Josie Rafael said. Hi Rafael I said back. It's good to be back home I told everyone. It's good that you're back Mg said. Thanks Mg I told him. So Josie are you going to the dance with anyone Rafael asked. No I'm not going not really in the mood right now I told him. Maybe we can skip the dance and do something else then Rafael said. Back off dude she obviously isn't into you so back the hell up Penelope practically yelled at him. Look at the gay person standing up for the straight person Rafael told Penelope. I must know her better than you cause she's not straight she's pan ok and she doesn't deserve a douche like you she is the sweetest person ever and she doesn't gender all she sees is love but your dumbass wouldn't know that cause your a player Penelope yelled at him. Yeah well while you were playing games we kissed so beat that Rafael spit out. Yeah well we had sex three times while were together and all you've done is kiss once Penelope said pushing him up against a wall. How do girls even have sex without dick though Rafael asked. Well maybe your horny self can check pornhub dumbass Penelope yelled at him. Yeah well girls want sex just as much as guys do Rafael spat back. At least its not forced girls take there time while boys want to go hard for nothing Penelope said back. They need boys for sex girls can't do anything Rafael said. With all the girls I've been with besides Josie I've made them cum in 1 minuet Penelope said. Yeah well I well I Rafael stuttered. You what got nothing to say that's what I thought Penelope said. Penelope turned around and looked at me and I ran off with tears in my eyes.

Penelope's POV

After the huge argument with Rafael I turned around and looked at Josie and she ran off. I started running after her wondering what I said. I went to her secret spots and still couldn't find her so I went to the only place left the treehouse. I got to the treehouse and heard quiet cries knowing that it was Josie. Josie I said as I got to the top of the ladder. What do you want Penelope Josie said. Why did you run off I asked worried. You told me you haven't been with anyone else and then you tell Rafael that you've been with other girls and had sex with them Josie said letting it all out. I'm sorry Josie I should've told you I'm sorry I said now sad. You lied to me Pen Josie told me scooting father away from me. I know and I'm sorry I really am but none of them made me feel like what I did with you I told Josie while crying and standing back up. I don't want to be with you anymore Josie told me as I felt someone stab me in the back. I know I was leaving like I did 5 years ago I'm going to asia this time I told Josie as I reached the bottom of the ladder. Wait what Josie said poking her head out the window. I'm leaving forever now don't come after me or text me we're done I said now running. I got to my room and started packing I booked a flight and ran out of the school. I got a uber and got to the airport I walked through the gates about to get on the plane when I heard Mg. What do you want Mg I asked. You can't go Penelope we need you Mg said out of breath. I can't stay please go I said getting in line. Penelope Mg said. No I'm leaving and you can't do anything about goodbye I said getting on the plane.


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