Chapter 8

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Josie's POV

Penelope knocked on my door and I didn't want to get up but I got up anyway. Hey P what can I help you with I yawned. I just wanted to check on you and make sure that you're ok Penelope said slightly frightened. Why are you so jumpy I asked motioning her to my bed. I had a bad dream about you and your mom Penelope said slightly calmer. What about us I asked starting to cuddle her. I remember the story you told me about how you told me that it was your fault she died Penelope said now facing me. Well what happened in the dream I asked now with a concerned look. Well it was about you and your mom but you got shot instead Penelope said now tearing up. Well I blame myself cause I didn't know how to help her when I was right there I said now looking at the ceiling. Well it's not and I don't want you doing what you did last year for her memorial Penelope said while running her fingers through my hair. I promised you I wouldn't try and do it again I want to leave it behind but it's not that easy P I said now crying.

Penelope's POV

I know you said you wouldn't but I just don't trust you to the fullest I said wiping her tears away. I'm different now P I've changed I'm not like that anymore Josie said now facing me again. and how do I know that Jos with your history you've been known to shut down and do stupid thing I said while looking at the clock. Yeah well I'm trying to forgive myself but I can't Josie said now getting up. Why are you getting up I ask tugging at her arm. I have to get ready for the day Josie said grabbing clothes. At 4 in the morning I asked with my eyebrow raised. I always get up this early Josie said now undressing. Really so why didn't your alarm go off I asked now getting up to kiss her. Ok I was trying to leave so we didn't have to talk about this anymore Josie said now taking her shirt off to reveal her naked back. Why didn't you just tell me and we could've talked about something else I told her while hugging her. Ok we can get back in bed but without clothes Josie said while looking at me. Fine but just this once I told her while giggling.

Hope's POV

So I woke up and Penelope wasn't in her bed which made me think she was with Josie. It's good to see them getting back together. But well I might ask Lizzie out and see what she says cause well I lied I have feelings for Lizzie not Josie. I was on my way to Lizzie's room when I saw Josie and Penelope coming from the cafeteria. Hey Jos have you seen Lizzie I needed to talk to her about something. Yeah she's on her way from the cafeteria Josie said with a huge smile on her face. Why are you so happy Josie I asked with a grin on my face. Me and Penelope are going on a date tonight so yeah Josie said looking at Penelope. Well you two have fun bye I told them as I walked off. I was walking and ran into Lizzie. Hey Lizzie can we talk I asked while looking at the floor. Yeah meet me at m room in 5 Lizzie told me. I walked towards her room and knocked Lizzie opened the door pulled me in and kissed me. Whoa Lizzie what was that for I asked with a surprised face. I wanted to do that for a very long time Lizzie said now a little shy. Well I was going to ask you out I told Lizzie. Well I guess we had something in common for once Lizzie said. We both chuckled. So can I take you out sometime I asked with more confidence. Yes you may Hope mikealson Lizzie said with a smirk.

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