Chapter 5

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Josie's POV

Penelope why would you say such a thing hope would never like me and I don't know why I liked you. Hey Jojo calm down I did cause it was true she told me she had feelings for you so I told you the truth Penelope said angrily. Well she's straight I'm gay and plus she's not my type. Well I was your type obviously Penelope said sarcasticly. Well it doesn't matter anymore just go I don't know why you have to be so mean. I'm mean because I don't know how to be nice Penelope said while shutting the door. Does hope have feelings for me I wondered. I got up when I got a text from hope. Do you belive her Josie hope texted. No I don't belive her hope why do ask. Well what would you do if it was true hope texted. I don't know I just haven't thought about it that much. Why does it matter is it true. Well yeah Josie it is. Oh ok I'll have to think but thanks for telling me. And hope didn't answer.

Penelope's POV

Josie is really mad at me and so is hope. I decide to ask mg if I could stay at his room for the night. He said sure that kaleb wasn't here so I could take his bed. I couldn't sleep I stayed up night thinking about Josie. Not only was she mad at me so was hope now I didn't know what to do. Anyway I was going to talk to hope today and apologize for what I said. It wasn't my place to say anything but my mouth beat my mind. Hey hope I'm sorry about yesterday it wasn't my place to say anything and I know you could never forgive me but I just wanted to apologize. I want you to know I hate you right now but I accept your apology hope said. If you want to say something to Josie about me go ahead I deserve it. No I'm not like that I only get revenge on actual bad people you just happen to say something hope said starting to get angry. Ok I'll leave you alone. I left hope and headed to my class.
Hope's POV
Penelope apologizes for saying what she said but I was still very mad. I wasn't mad at her I was mad at Josie she practically just turned me down. I was mad at Josie because she doesn't know how hard it was for me to come out to my aunt Freya even tho she's married to keelin. I was scared cause I was always known to be drawn to boys. Landon was not very nice in the beginning but we ended up dating. I am happy with my relationship with him so I'm going to push my feelings down for Josie and focus on him. Anyway the first class I have is with Josie yay me. I was walking when I heard a loud scream coming from the library. I ran into the library to see Lizzie on the ground passed out. And Josie was standing right over her crying. What happened Josie I had asked. She said that Lizzie was hurt and that she passed out from stress. I didn't know what to do but go into her mind. I did and she was really stressed about Josie and Penelope getting together again and Rafael turning her down other crazy stuff. Lizzie woke up and I was happy to see she was ok.
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