Chapter 12

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Lizzie's POV

After hearing that Josie had a seizure I was scared and upset for her. I couldn't help but break down sometimes when someone said her name. I always was with Hope now she made me feel safe and less worried about Josie. I decided to go see Josie cause I was waiting to see her Hope and I drove to the hospital. I went inside and went to Josie's room to see Penelope cuddled up to her fast asleep Josie noticed me and waved. I waved back and walked to her Hey Josie how are you I asked her. I'm ok for right now but someone is questionable Josie said as she pointed to Penelope. Haha I hope you feel better but for right now I'm happy you're ok I told Josie. Hope was holding my hand the entire which calmed me down from crying. So has Penelope been sleeping Hope asked. No she's been worried about me and is always awake to see if I'm ok Josie responded. That's a hell of a girlfriend you got Jos Hope told Josie. Hehe yeah and I'm glad she's here Josie told Hope. I'm going to get everyone some coffee including Penelope when she wakes up I told everyone. I walked away and went to the café and got 4 coffee's I had the coffee and started heading back to the room. I got back to the room and saw Penelope was awake and leaning on Hope. Here's coffee I told everyone as I passed it out. Thanks Lizzie Penelope said in a very raspy voice. Are you feeling ok Penelope maybe you should go back to school Hope said. I have to stay here and watch her Penelope told us. I will watch her Penelope but you need sleep and I'll send you daily pictures ok you have nothing to worry about Hope told Penelope. Fine Penelope said. I drove Penelope back to school and brought her to my room where she would have a sleeping buddy.

Josie's POV

I had Penelope sleeping on me when I saw Lizzie and Hope in front of me. I waved them over and Lizzie asked me how I was doing and I said I was ok but somebody was questionable and I pointed at Penelope. Lizzie laughed and told me she hoped for me to get better and that she's happy that I'm ok. I noticed Hope was Holding Lizzie's hand but I didn't think anything of it. Hope asked if Penelope was sleeping and I told her no that she was worried about me and was always awake to make sure I was ok. Hope said I had one hell of a girlfriend and I laughed and said I was glad she was here. Lizzie told us she was going to go get coffee and when she left a couple minuets later Penelope woke up and went over to hope and leaned one her. Lizzie came back and handed out the coffee. Penelope said thank you and her voice sounded terrible. Hope asked if she was ok and suggested that she go back to school. Penelope told her that she had to stay here with me Hope said she would watch her and send daily pictures. Penelope gave in and her and Lizzie left. So what's with you and my sister I asked Hope. Nothing we are just friends I don't know what you're talking about Hope said. Really cause you were holding hands and you seemed a lot closer I said while looking at Hope. We're kissing that's it Hope said angrily. Didn't you ask her out a couple of weeks ago I asked with a raised eyebrow. Yeah but she forgot about our other kiss so I'm lying to her and acting surprised Hope told me. Wow I- I'm so sorry Hope I told her. It' fine but you can't tell her please Hope said to me. I promise but you better treat her right or I'll burn you hair off like I did Penelope I told Hope in a serious tone. I promise she seems so much calmer with me Hope said. Then we went to sleep.

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