wrong place at the right time

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Nalani p.o.v

I was still at work watchin the models walk in the outfits and if i can say so myself they looked absolutly beutiful so i told them that they can wrap it up and head home we are good for the day. Since  i didn't take my car today i would be walkin because emily dont get off till  11:00 and im no stupid bitch so i have pepper spray just incase something popps off. I was walkin down the street to stop at the cornor store before headin home all the way and i noticed a all black car and two more down the street i didnt really care until i heard gunshots and i was stuck in my place and i seen people running out the house and i seen this one dude lookin directly at me and he started movin towards me and that's when reality hit me i got my purse and grabbed the spray as soon as he grabbed me i sprayed his ass and punched and then kicked him in the balls and attempted to run i was gone for a minute until i felt hands on my waist lifting me up aww hell naw i was just kickin and punchin and screamin and that aint do shit then i felt a burning sensation on my cheek and i thought to my self did this nigga just hit me so i just punched his ass in the face and he tied me up .the one that i beat up was being put in the car cause he couldnt see and the one that helped lift me up was driving  and the other one thar hit me was just watchin me  (creppy ass) .They pulled up to this raggey little house and they took me out and dragged me to the basement  and tied me up. Im just thinking in my head what the hell lord why me i have been doing everything right i think they all still had there mask on and they finally took them off and i seen one tall lightskin one the other brownskin with pretty.brown eyes and the third one i can care less for i was paying attention to the one in font of me and just thinking in my head like dont let them kill me.

Miacheal p.o.v

Me and devin got this girl tied up in the basement because she seen us robb and kill so we have to kill her and thats to bad beacause she is very pretty and reminds me of my mother and sister i had to put my hands on her because she kept screaming and hitting me and she knocked devin out that shit right there was funnny but i couldnt laugh and after i hit her she punched me right in the face  im just thinkin this girl is brave as shit i couldnt take it so i tied her up and brought her to the old trap and started asking questions.


Me: whats yo name

Girl: and why the fuck should i tell u

Me: if u wanna live then u will

Girl: i dint give a rats ass what u do

Me: haha who do u think u are and who are u talkin to


When she said that name i stopped laughing and looked at her and told her to repeat that she told me the name agin and i kept ringing over and over in my head i told them to untie her and i asked her some more questions

Me: do u have a brother

Nalani: is that your buisness

Me: i think i might know him

Nalani: u dont know shit about me

Me: oh but i do

Nalani: so tell me what u know

Me: u have a brother named miacheal your mother died of breast cancer  and the last thing u told ur little brother was you need you to stay strong for me and momma alright

After i told her that she got up and started backing away as she started tearing up and asked me how did i know that

Me: nalani u dont remeber me

Nalani: no now tell me who told u that

Me: nalani its me

Nalani: who

Me: miacheal

When she heard that name all u heard was the loudest scream ever and a thud .

Nalani p.o.v

When he said that was my little brother my heart rate increased and i was dizzy and i screamed so loud and everything turned black i woke up in a big bed that i had got out of and went down stairs to meet my kidnappers again  and the lightskin one stood up again and i asked him what happend?

Me : what happend

Lightskin: you dont remeber

Me: no

Lightskin: im your brother and when you heard that u passed out

When i heard that i screamed so loud agin and was headed for the floor until they caught me and started fanning me and said nalani u gotta stop doing that .

Me: im so sorry u tellin me that u are miacheal brown my little brother

Miacheal: yupp in the flesh

Me: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I ran up the stairs got my purse  and my phone with my beats pill and started playin my nigga my nigga and ran back down the stairs and started dancin running around the house sayin i got my brother i got my brother and i couldnt stop screaming this was the craziest day ever.

Miacheal p.o.v

She was so happy she was running around the house playin my nigga my nigga and i couldnt help but laugh so i cut the music off and she turned around and asked me why i did that and i asked why i did that and i said what i cant get a proped hug she just had the biggest smile on her face  and she ran over and jumped on me and kissed my face so many times and finally jumped down and then i introuced her to my people

Nalani ,devin


Then nalani cut in and said ain't that the one that i pepperprayed and me and j just busted out laughin and devin finnaly spoke up and said yeah and she said sorry and then i introduced her to j and she said sumthin about him lookin familiar  so i just let her  her introduce herself

They convo

Her: do i know u from somewhere

J: u do look familiar thats why i was lookin at u in the car

Her: mhmmmmm do u know a miss overton

J: yeah she was my foster parent

Her: omg jaquan

J: yeah

Her: u dont remeber me

J: naw but u do look like one of my bestfriends

After he said that she got up amd started singing a song and he got up and started singing it with her and i asked them how they knew eachother and they said they was bestfriends in fostercare well damn small world  while i was in thought i got slapped in my head and it was nalani 

Me : what u do that for

Nalani: cause i asked u a question and u slapped me in my facr.earlier

Me: oh what did u ask me and u punched me in my nose cause of that

Nalani: i said what have u been up to and that didnt satisfie me

Me: nuthin much gettin some moneyyy and square up

Nalani: aight and lets go

So me and nalani was squarin up and she dont fight like no girl she actually taught me how to fight so we started fighting and this little ass girl  nalani is short comapred to me and she just fuckin slammed me . After we got done she asked me to  drop her off at home and her a j and me changed numbers devin just looked at her like she was crazy but she wasnt really payin attention i just drooped her off at home and said ill hit her up later.

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