Chapter 26

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"What do you think you're doing, Muzan?" A white-haired girl asked.

"I'm doing what the gods are telling me to," the demon said as his back was facing the girl.

"Let me go, dammit! What have I ever done? I've never betrayed you! I turned (Y/N) into a demon as you asked me to! I located where they both were! I kept tabs on them for goodness sake! And this is the shit you're gonna hit me with?!" Niko hissed.

"Oh please. You did nothing compared to me," Muzan said.

"Yeah, sure. Look at where we ended up! In this... this gross thing!" Niko shouted, tugging on the things that kept her in place.

"No one's going to find you here, Niko. It doesn't matter how much you scream for help, or how much you ask your sister to forgive you. You're bound to die!" He said.

"Why? Why are you doing this to me? You know I'm your most loyal subject! If you keep me here, you're going to die by the hands of the Demon Hunters!"

"Niko, you're misunderstanding. You're trapped there because you're going to witness everyone's death, one by one! Be grateful!"

"Well, what about Jun? Where is he?" She snapped.

"Oh, him? He died from fighting some lower Hunter. He was weak. That's why I eliminated him," he smiled.

"I was planning for him to bait (L/N) into coming here, but seeing that she hated him, I changed my mind."

"Just let me out of here! I'm the only one you have left to fight! I'll fight with you for my life, so just let go!"

She started shaking in the grasp of the weird flesh, but it didn't budge.

"This time, I'm using you as the bait. Your helpless cries were heard by your sister, so she's bound to come! It's a win-win for all."

"You know what? This is horrible. I'm tired of pretending to be of use to you. I hate your guts, Muzan. I hope you rot in hell! Kill me all you want, but that won't get you anywhere! (Y/N) is going to kill you, without a shadow of a doubt!"

He chuckled.

"I know that."

"Revival! Muzan has revived! The Hashiras must gather at once!" A crow screeched.

You had split up from the group you were just with, knowing it was risky. They were too badly injured, and on the way, you guys had found paramedics.

You, being the only one who had no wounds, tried to find Muzan on your own.

There were a lot of complaints, but you went by yourself anyways.

He's got to be around here somewhere. I feel Niko. He can't just leave here unattended if he trapped her.

"Where... where in the world..."

You slowed to a stop.

"Okay. Stop and think for a second. If Muzan really did leave Niko, why would he do it? No, he wouldn't leave Niko alone. That's just stupid. Even if he is a demon, that doesn't mean he hasn't got a plan. Some demons just go with whatever is going to happen, but in his case... he's going to fight a ton of us, so he can't just recklessly fight," you said to yourself.

"Niko is stronger than Upper Moon One, which means if she's trapped, Muzan himself must be holding her captive. He can manipulate himself, right?" You wondered.

"He can't be killed even if you cut his neck, so we have to wait for the sun to rise. How are we going to fight for that long?"

You started running again, around and around.

Music - Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer) X Reader X OC [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now