- Serendipity.

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"Sorry, but can u do me a favor?"

The sleepy Mingyu who lays down his head at the table over a coffee shop were woken up by some random guy. He were about to combust, but he could only gazed over the guy.

"Uh hello?"

Mingyu rubbed his eyes, "What is it about?"

"Can u kinda, pretend to be my boyfriend--- yeah i know this is kinda stupid to ask but istg i'll----------"

"Sure." Mingyu replied without thinking over the consequences.

"I understand if u dont--- WHAT? Did u just agreed?"

Before the other could even proceed, a girl approach them.

"Oppa, stop rejecting me. I know u are not in a relationship."

Wonu eyes were big, he pretty sure think he fucked up for not being able to tell the guy in front of him the scenario he made up so the girl can stop pursuing him. What Kim Mingyu did wasnt what he expected at all.

"Kid, we are." Mingyu stated.

"Sigh, i bet this is another random guy u said u are dating didnt u? Oppa, u are really bad at lying."

"Kid, stop bothering my boyfriend."

"Bet u wont even know his name."

That's where when Wonu's were about to give up, he thinks he has sold his soul to Satan.

"Jeon Wonwoo." The quick witted Kim Mingyu manage to catch Wonu name over the notebook Wonu is holding.

Wonu were flabbergasted over Mingyu replied, he was thinking if he ever had introduced himself to Mingyu.

The girl werent giving up, "Just by knowing his name u think i would trust u?"

"Who are u for me to make u to trust my relationship with the person that i love?" Mingyu said, caressing Wonu's hair.

He cupped over Wonu face, getting closer, "I only needed his trust."

Their foreheads were almost lean in towards each other. Mingyu can feel his heart beating so fast, the feeling of falling in love, he thought.

Their eyes met and there wasnt even a blink. They look so in love, their eyes felt like their love was real. Mingyu found Wonu eyes look really beautiful from up close, it felt like it was the most beautiful thing he have ever seen.

Mingyu then divert his gaze back towards the girl, "He's mine, back off."

The girl pout & stomped her way from them.

With the girl being away, Wonu let out sigh of relieve.

"Guess she's never gonna bother u anymore." Mingyu stated.

Wonu laughs, "Did u perhaps took filming? U are so good in acting, better than the ones I paid for. This is so early im sorry to bother u."

"Its okay."

"How do i repay u?"

"Nevermind." Mingyu said, looking over his phone. He looked serious.

"So, u have classes?" He added.


"Ah, it would be great talking to u now, but i gotta go." Mingyu reply, giving Wonu a tissue.

Wonu glanced over the tissue and found a phone number written. "Classic." He thought.

Before he could even say something, Mingyu was nowhere to be seen.

"Ah what are his name.....?"

As Wonu headout of the cafe, the tissue he were holding were blown away and it landed in the drain.

"Such a waste. I dont even know his name."


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