24. Regrets.

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"What did u mean?" Jeonghan confused over what Hoshi stated.

"Im sorry hyung, u are my friend, a great one, but I dont understand u sometimes, I don't understand how u can be so self centred and not being honest-- like if u are hurt, then tell why u are hurting, u dont leave people hanging and ruin ppl just like that--"

"Who did I even ruin?"

Hoshi wipes his tears, "What?"

"I love u, but I hated how u almost ruin everyone lives. Im sorry if this is harsh, but u ruin coups hyung, u ruin Dino's life, u ruin uji's life. U ruin almost everything abt our friendship. Have u ever considered fixing things? Have u ever tried to listen to what uji has been saying-------" He added.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING?" Jeonghan shouted.

Before Hoshi could continue, Jihoon who just entered the house stop him.

"Stop. This has nothing to do with Jeonghan hyung."

"But he is the reason of why coups----"


"Im sorry abt that, he drinks a little bit before, perhaps that's why he's been acting up" Jihoon stated.

Jeonghan notices Jihoon eyes, it looks tired and sad. It look different. Jihoon and Hoshi's eyes looks so heavy, it screams sadness.

Jihoon sent Hoshi to his room because Hoshi looks like someone who would wanted to fight Jeonghan.

Jeonghan waited for Jihoon. Which few minutes later, Jihoon go out of Hoshi's room.

"Im sorry, but can u explain?" Jeonghan said.

Jihoon took a deep breathe.

"We decided not to tell u, bcause we thought u were hurting as well. We dont know details abt ur relationship so we wont intefere, tho coups hyung once ask me to talk to u but u rejected so he understands that."

"I cant reach him."

"U wont be able too."


"He---- is sleeping."

"Uji im not stupid."

"Sure u does not, but he does." Jihoon giggled.

Jihoon continues, "Ive been wondering what did he ever did wrong----"

Jihoon were about to cry, "But, why did u ask now? When it was maybe too late? Why didnt u ask few hours before or maybe few days? Maybe it wont be too late."

Jihoon covers his eyes with his palms, took a deep breathe, "I know u are the type of people who didnt gave chances for people, but at least hear him, when u can still hear him."

Jeonghan can feel tears were about to fall, he look away from Jihoon. His voice were shaking, "Uji, please. I want to talk to him."

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