25. Weak.

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"Shua? Jun? Wonu? Vernon?" Most of his friends were there.

Joshua surprised, "Oh, u are here."

Jeonghan saw Dino were sobbing real hard in Minghao's hug, Jun were comforting him as well.

"Oh Jeonghan hyung, u come." Dokyeom greets him softly. Dokyeom face were always shining with his gummy smile, but not that day.

Seungkwan were sitting on the floor with Vernon comforting him, looking lifeless.

Dino wipes his tears as soon as he sees Jeonghan. He thought Dino might scream in his face as Hoshi did. Jeonghan is still clueless abt what is happening.

"Hannie hyung, i hope u are okay. U wanted to see him?"

Jeonghan nods. He tailed Dino from the back, pushing away negative thoughts of what might be happening to Seungcheol. He is afraid, afraid of everything. Felt that his ego is eating him up.

He couldn't even felt his tears the moment he saw Seungcheol. He stunned. He was trying to process what is happening. His knees feel weak. His mind went blank. Suddenly, he blackout.

The moment he opens his eyes he realize Joshua were there.

"Hey, u awake?"

"What happen?"

"U passed out."

"No, what happen to Seungcheol? Why is there wires on his body, what happen to him? Why he look so pale?"

"Have a rest first. We'll talk abt that."

"No, im fine. I wanted to know."

"Dino said he overdosed usage of sleeping pills, he has been struggling with sleep, thank god Hoshi were there, checking on him when he saw Seungcheol have difficulties on breathing."

"He called me as soon after the incident, Im sorry I didnt tell u." Joshua added.

Dino was peeking through the door, "Hannie hyung is okay?"

Joshua nods, "I leave the two of u together."

Dino went inside and seated to where Joshua sits. He smiled at Jeonghan, eventho he smiles Jeonghan can feel his sadness.

"Im sorry." Both says simultaneously.

"Im a hypocrite if I said what u did to coups hyung is fine, but I dont want u to get sick too." Dino said.

"Im okay now, Im just shocked. But he has been taking pills?"

"Sleeping pills to be exact. I dont think he would wanted to get overdose, its just maybe he forgot he had taken them. He hasnt been thinking straight lately."

"He wont do that, he have precious people around him."

"Would be better if he is precious to u too." Dino stated.

"Few years back before we met u, he lost the love of his life. He was so heartbroken. The feeling of guilt eat him up. That is when I decided to live with him. To look over him. He was a zombie and months after, still a zombie but a workaholic zombie. But Im grateful, he slowly changed. And he is happy the most when he found u."

Dino were trying to hold his tears but he cant. He cried, and Jeonghan holds his hands comforting him.

"It looks like bright after rain, sunshine flooded his soul. And I love him that way." Dino added.

A little while later, most of their friends were with Jeonghan. It gives comfort towards Jeonghan on how warm everyone to him.

He realizes what he did was stupid. He was so stupid for thinking that everyone would be the same without actually giving a time to think. He was afraid, he was scared that Seungcheol might be like Minjae.

"Can i take these off?" Jeonghan said, referring to the drip he has been put of.

"Nope, u have to spent overnight. A punishment." Seungkwan said.

"Im sorry to everyone here. Most of u are a victim towards my selfishness and stupidity, especially Dino." Jeonghan remarks.

"But why is everyone here? Why isnt anyone with Cheol?" He added.

"The doctor is checking up on him." Mingyu replied.

"Let's hope everything would be okay." Joshua stated.

And all they can do now is wait. Wait for Seungcheol to be awake.

 Wait for Seungcheol to be awake

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