20. A trip.

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They gathered at Seungcheol's place a week before semester break. Jun and Joshua made it this time. Everyone is there.

As extra as gathering has been always at Seungcheol place, this time Minghao design a banner with everyone face and "when crackheads meet crackheads" wordings.

The funny thing happen that night was Jun and Hao quarrel about whose the best when it comes to taking care of Dino.

"Hey i tutored him for his dance."

"Hello, i raised this kid, feed him and even tutored him as well." Hao snapped.

"My parents did not fight over this." Dino laughs.

"and coups hyung as well, I mean he doesnt really care." Dino added.

Jun and Hao continued their debate as the others were laughing real hard.

"Jun, u wont win that fight." Hoshi remarks.

"Why tho?" Jun wonder.

"Because i never lose." Minghao said, rolling his eyes.

Seungcheol invited the whole squad over the trip, he said he needed some healing time.

"Sorry hyung, we got things plan. Hoshi and I plan this earlier. Im sorry." Jihoon stated.

"Did uji hyung always talk?" Vernon ask.

"U haven't heard him nag? Istg that is worst than Seungkwan." Mingyu said.

"Shut up, u kid." Jihoon palms met Mingyu's forehead.

"Call the police, this is an abuse." Mingyu remarks.

Everyone already had their sem break activity sorted, so they couldn't come with Seungcheol and Jeonghan.

Seungcheol then realizes about Dino dance evaluation. "Woah, u cant join us then."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Dino screams.

"Its okay, I can take care of him." Minghao said.

"Me too." Jun added.

Minghao were already glaring towards Jun, not wanting to compromise.

"This really feels like divorce parents fighting to have their kid's." Dokyeom said.


The day of the trip.

The trip Seungcheol and Jeonghan were going are not too far, its just some place with nature and fresh air. Took around 2-3 hours drive.

It has been awhile since Seungcheol felt excited over a trip, so does Jeonghan. They planned the whole thing together, where they wanted to go, what they are going to do. The most perfect trip for the two of them.

Seungcheol packed breakfast for them, as Jeonghan enjoyed his cookings.

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