27. Awake

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He slowly tried to open his eyes. He heard someone talking, not to far for him, he blink as his vision were blurry. He tried to get up but his body felt heavy, even his hands were hard to move. He heard a giggle, which sounds familiar. He tried to recall but he failed. He glance over the ceiling, manage to understand he is in the hospital.

He tried to memorize his last memory but he cant. He blinks his eyes again, trying have a clear vision.

"Cheol?" Jeonghan said.

Jeonghan gets closer to him, to make sure what he sees is true.

Seungcheol is awake.


Seungcheol look at the person who keeps on calling his name. His eyebrows furrowed, confused because he cant remember anything.

"Cheol, im going to call the doctor, stay awake okay." Jeonghan runs outside.

He closes his eyes, clench his fist tried to remember what had happened to him. He still cant.

The doctor and nurses came after awhile, but he couldnt see the sight of Jeonghan.

"Sir?" The doctor said.

Seungcheol tried hard to reply but his mouth is betraying him. He only look at the doctor.

"If u can hear me, blink twice."

He did as what the doctor instructed him too.

"Is your name Choi Seungcheol? Blink once if its true, twice if its not. Thrice if u cant remember."

He blink once.

The doctor let out a sigh of relieved. He later explains to Seungcheol why Seungcheol had a hard time moving his body, it could take days as the amounts of drugs he overdosed is high. After the explaination, the doctor left.

The doctor explains it to Jeonghan as well since he is the only guardian there. Jeonghan went inside after the explaination.

He sits next to Seungcheol, who is already looking at him.

"Hey cheol, the doctor had explained to me as well. Have a rest so u'll get better. Others would come tomorrow."

Seungcheol couldnt reply him, he just close his eyes and tried to sleep. Seungcheol vision is still blurry so it is much better to have his eyes closed.

Jeonghan watches him go to sleep and when he is sure that he has already sleep, Jeonghan went outside.

Jeonghan watches him go to sleep and when he is sure that he has already sleep, Jeonghan went outside

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