I don't want to be here anymore

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  Addison's POV

We walked into the kitchen and I see Bryce. I froze as he walked up to me "hey add's I wanted to talk to you but you did't come to the party" he said and I just nodded not really wanting to talk to him. why is he even here? "sooo I was wondering if-" he continued to talk but I zoned out once I saw dixie talking to Taylor and they were clearly in an argument but weren't yelling. at least not yet.

I spoke too soon because then dixie started fully yelling at him "why the fuck would I want you back? you fucking cheated on me you asshole!" I heard her shout "you cheated on me too" Taylor snapped back "it was a kiss, I didn't go and sleep with them when we were together!" she yelled back. "wow so you've been already fucking them now aren't ya" Taylor yelled. dixie fell silent. everyone was silent as they watched. "who is it dixie?!" he yelled at her causing her to flinch. "that is none of your business" she said a little more calmly "I'm going to my room" she said walking off and as she walked off Taylor yelled "whore" at her.

I went to go after her but Bryce stopped me before I could "so will you go on a date with me?" he asked. I was extremely confuse and just walked off not answering it. 

I knocked on dixie's and i's door before opening it. I heard her faintly say come in. I walked in and saw her laying on her bed looking up at the ceiling. "are you okay?" I asked as I lay next to her. "no" she softly said. "come here" I said pulling her to me. she laid her head on my chest and softly sighed.

Dixie's POV

I laid there on Addison's chest as she drew shapes on my back. "I hate it here adds" I said softly "why?" "Because of him, because I can't hold, kiss, flirt, and touch you where and when I want" i chuckled at the last part and felt her tense up a little. "I get it but we can't really do anything about it" she said "what if we can!" I said sitting up on the bed.  "what do you mean?" she said as she propped herself on her elbows. "I don't want to be here anymore adds so why don't you and I get our own place? just you and I adds" I said smiling at her but she didn't seem that happy about what I said.

"dix we just got together tonight. we're not even actually together yet." she said making me frown a little. "look adds I know this is fast and all but I love you, fuck scratch that, I don't just love you adds, I'm in-love with you addi" I say looking her in the eyes.

"aww dix I'm in-love with you too" she said and gave me a quick kiss. "but dix I thi-" I quickly cut her off by placing my finger on her lips "how about I move out on my own and you can just come whenever you want? you'll be there most of the time anyways" I said smirking. "I think thats a great idea" she said smiling at me.

I quickly jumped up in excitement and grabbed my computer then jumping back onto the bed next to Addison. she looked at me amused as she giggled a little. "what" I asked "just seeing you happy makes me happy" she sweetly said "cute" I said as I kissed her for a few seconds.

I wen't back to focusing on my computer, I opened it up and searched for apartments by the beach. I've always wanted to live by the beach. I found one and it also had a pool and hot tub but it didn't seem that nice. I kept looking threw apartments but I couldn't find one. I started to get a little frustrated and Addison seemed to notice "hey dix what if you just get a house by the beach? it doesn't need to be that big" she said. I thought about it for a moment and decided why not.

I searched up housed by the beach for a little and then I found one I really liked. It was somewhat small but it was a cosy small, it also had a pool and hot tub. "I like this one" I said and then turned to look at Addison. she looked at it a little more  and then looked at me. "I really like it but isn't that kinda far from here" she said kinda sad. "I mean yeah but you can always stay with me for however long you want" I said trying to cheer her up. "and we would be alone and could be in the hot tub alone so we could-" "dixie stop" she said blushing like crazy.

"I'm just saying" I said and winked at her. "okay okay I like it" said as she buried her face into my neck to hide her blush. "hey add im going to go jump in the shower, wanna join" I asked. I felt her shove her head more into my neck indicating that she's blushing harder. 

I got up and went into the bathroom and stripped. I jumped in and felt the hot water run down my body, I then felt arms sneak around me causing me to jump a little. I then relaxed since I knew it was just Addison. she started kissing my neck causing me to let a little moan escape. I felt her push up against my back a little more. I quickly spun around In her arms and kissed her while pushing her body harder against mine.

we made out a little but we mainly just examined each other since we never really got to. "you're perfect" I whispered in her ear. "say's the most beautiful girl ever" she said back. I just lifted up her chin and kissed her softly. "I love you" we said in union causing ourselves to laugh. fuck I'm truly in-love with this girl.

we then actually showered and got out. I was still sore from earlier so I didn't want to actually do something and I could tell she was sore too. it was hot seeing her struggle to lift her legs up. I just stood there watching her struggle to put on shorts to sleep in. I was still just wrapped in a towel so I went to our closet and found a big t-shirt. I then went to my drawer and put on some underwear, I decided skipping putting on shorts or pants. "thats all you're going to wear?" Addison asked. I spun around so I could see her, she was lay on my  bed. "yeP" I said popping the P.

I saw her bite her lip as I walked over to her and then straddling her. I kissed her passionately which threw her off a little. she then kissed back causing me to smile. I disconnected our lips after a little. "I would say lets do it again but I'm still a little sore" I said smirking. she then pushed me off of her causing me to start laughing like crazy. she just stared down at me red as a tomato. 

"come here" I said as I opened my arms and she came and cuddled up to me. she had her head on my shoulder and I had both my arms wrapped around her. this- this right here is happiness. this had made me realise that Taylor and I were never actually happy.  "I love you" I said squeezing her a little tighter. "I love you too" she said and gave me a peck on my neck. I then drifted off to sleep happy as ever.


Just wanted too give a cute little chapter. next they will be looking at the new house and then telling the rest of the member about dixie moving out. let's just say not everyone is happy for her... 

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