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Addison's POV

"hey mom" I said scared out of my mind as I answered the phone. "please tell me it's not true Addison" she said firmly. "umm what exactly are you talking about?" "Addison Rae Easterling don't you dare play dumb with me. I saw the video and pictures of you and dixie kissing" she yelled through the phone. dixie gave me a concerned look and I sighed. my parents are both homophobic so this isn't good.

"yeah mom it's true" I quietly say. "where are you Addison, are you with HER" she said the last part so coldly that it hurt me. "yeah mom, I'm with her. we're at our new house" I said terrified. "what the hell do you mean Addison. you moved in with her?!" "yes" I said and a tear slid down my face. I look over to dixie and she's looking down at her hands and playing with her fingers. "Addison you are no longer my daughter until you get you're priorates straight and are with a man" she yelled through the phone and then hung up.

I threw my phons as I broke down sobbing. I started feeling weak and started falling down until dixie caught me and held me up. "hey hey I got you" she said as I sobbed. I turned around in her arms and shoved my head in her neck as I sobbed harder. "come on adds let's go take a shower and get ready for bed, okay baby" she said but I didn't respond and just got out and headed to the shower.

I got in the shower and just stood there for a little. I then felt arms wrap around me. I leaned back into her "come on let's just quickly take a shower and go sleep. it's been a long day and tomorrow will be better" she said and kissed the top of my head. I quickly finish and get out just leaving her alone. I threw on some sweatpants and one of her shirts and headed to bed. a little bit later she joined me. she got in and I turn over and put my head on her chest. "it'll get better adds" she said right before I fell asleep.

5 month later

Dixie's POV

it's been a long 5 months and I'm getting tired of it. I'm tired of arguing and fighting almost every night. I'm tired of trying so hard to be there for her and myself. ever since the whole phone call with her mom she's been different. at first she was just sad but got over it but as time went on she got worse.

her and her parents were always really close. she can't see them along with her brothers now and I feel like it's all my fault. the way she acts makes it seem like she blames me too. we barely even touch now. the only times we had sex was after a heated argument and it was more to burn off steam.

I need to do something about it because now it's starting to affect my mental state. i was at the house while she was out shopping getting food for the house. I was pacing back and forth trying to work up the curragh too talk about everything with her. I don't know how this is going to go at all. this can either help us or ruin us.

a little while later she walked in with bags and put them down on the island. I helped her put them away and after that she headed to the couch. here goes nothing. I walked over to her and stand in front of her. she looked at me confused as I stood there thinking on what I'm going to say.

"we need to talk" she nodded for me to continue. I took a deep breath in and let my words fall out "Addison I love you soooo much and I've been trying to stay positive about our relationship but I can't do it anymore. I'm tired of the fighting back and forth and us sleeping back to back unable to even hold eye contact. I'm tired of fighting for this relationship and you not meeting me anywhere close to halfway." I said as tears fell from both our faces.

"dixie I can't lose you. just- just give me a chance." she cried out "Addison I've given you so many chances and all it's doing is ripping me apart on the inside. have you even notice how much we've drifted away from each other?" I asked. she looked at me blankly and then down to her hands that I was once able to claim and hold.

"I'm sorry" she said finally breaking the silence. she looked up at me as a tear slid down her face. that's when I did something I never thought I would or needed to do. I took off our promise ring that we bought together a week after we moved in. I held it in my hand and looked at it, I then looked to Addison as she watched me. "I hope one day I can put this back on but for now I'm done. I tried so hard but I can't anymore." I put it down on the coffee table and make eye contact with her again as she sobs.

"I'm going to go to Connecticut for a few months. you don't need to leave but I am." I said. I walked into our room and started packing. I didn't book a flight yet but I'm just going to go to charli and avani's. yes charli and avani moved in together. they we're both accepted in every way. parent's we're okay with it and so was the internet. everyone loved them but when it came to Addison and I the only people that accepted us were are close friends and my family. that's another thing that destroyed us, the internet. there were tons of hate comments because of Taylor and Bryce and how everyone wanted us to be with them instead.

I finished packing and walked into the living room. I looked over to her and see her a mess. I probably look like a mess too. "I'm sorry I had to do this" I say and look down. "I'll always love you dixie" she tried smiling through the pain. "I'll always love you too Addison, goodbye" I said and walked out.


Don't hate me :(

There will be a sequel but I'm going to focus on my other book for a little and then I'll start it. 

Sorry for the sad ending

If any of you write stories let me know so I can go read and support you guys    <3   :)

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