I'm Here

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I am preparing my breakfast before I go to work and I usually pack lunch so I won't spend lots of money. I'm actually just rising myself from a downfall I can't even remember but still, I'm trying my best.

I hummed as I walked out of my apartment. This is my everyday routine, I'll wake up at 6, tries to remember something until 6:30 then I will take a bath. I will eat and prepare until 7:15 and walk to my work.

It's just 5 blocks away from my apartment so I can walk slowly and enjoy the morning breeze. I will pass by a convenience store and take a right turn in a long alley.

Just with a few steps since I entered the alley, someone cling onto me.

"Argh, why are you always like this? I told you I don't want someone so clingy!"

"I'm sorry Gguk-ah, but I really want to cling on youuuu~"

I rolled my eyes and let him just cling so I won't be bothered anymore. He's always here everytime I pass by this alley. It started when I came back to work and he didn't miss any single day. What's bothering me is that he always wear the same clothes - just some gray longsleeve and a pants. Maybe he has a lot of that clothes in his home. But why do he always comes to me?

"Did you eat Jeongguk-ah?"

"Yes I did"

"Did you turn off all of your electricity in your home?"


"Did you turn off your stove?"


"Did you lock your house properly?"


"Okay don't forget to eat well okay?"

Argh I've had enough! He's always saying the same thing over and over!

"Why are you doing this to me? Why do you care? Why do you always ask me about my house? Who are you anyway?"

He stepped back, shocked at what I said but it is true. It's irritating!

"Uh, nothing I'm sorry.. I'm sorry if I irritated you.."

"Why are you doing this? You can't just cling to me without any reason right?!"

"U-uh, I'm sorry I think I-I won't be able to accompany you to your work today.. I'll go"

He ran away with tears falling off his eyes. Well.. I kinda feel guilty. I just said what I said, okay? I don't even know him and then he'll cling to me like he knows me.

I walked to my company trying to remove my thoughts of him. I entered in the building and went to our office.

"Oh hey Jungkook, why are you frowning more than usual?"

"Well Namjoon sunbae, you know the one who always accompanies me to work right?"

"Ahh, yeah? The one you said who's clinging to you always until the entrance?"

I nodded at him and sighed.

"Yeah sunbae, I don't even know him and he always clings to me and say the same things every single day!"

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