I woke up glancing at the windows behind me to see it was dark outside.
I looked around for Jay,and sure enough(not surprising at all).

He was sitting it the chair dozed off,I decided to let him sleep.
The thought came back in my mind as soon as I remembered what I had said.
I croaked a little as I tried to sit up,careful not to wake him up.
I told him I loved him,and he said it back later though so what does that even mean.

I heard him say groggy.
I looked over slowly to not hurt my shoulder more.

"What are you doing awake?"

"Did anyone get you pain medicine yet?"

"No jay it's fine I just woke up."

"Oh.. okay can I get you anything."

"No I'm good,how long have I been out."

"A couple hours,hey you should at least drink some water."

"Yeah probably now that you mention it."
"So what is the damage?"

I said propping myself up only to have Jay helping me sit up.
"You really shouldn't try to move on your own."

"I know I shouldn't,but you you know me,I uh.. don't give up so."

"Yeah that's one quality that will never leave you."

"It's a quality,I thought it's just something every person should have."

"So the damage."

"Uh.. You'll be needing some physical therapy,the bullet damaged nerves in your shoulder."

"Are you serious I can't be doing that,I need to get back to work."

"I knew you'd say that but you want to get back working as soon as possible right.

"Yeah,I guess so but that's going to take a Long while."

"Well you need a good,healthy shoulder Hailey."

"I'll go with you to physical therapy."

"No,it's fine I'll probably just go by myself."

"Don't you need a companion?"
Support,you know..."

"I mean it won't be too long there's no reason for you to be there."
I said trying not to sound mean,because I knew he was just trying to be supportive.

"I'll wait."

He said not even a second after.

"Don't you have like work,you know at the job that you work at."
"As a police officer,it's important you should be there."

"No I cleared it with Voight, it's fine,besides you need someone to get you purple pig."
"You of all people,I know don't eat green jello and orange juice."

"Jay are you sure."

"Yep,positively sure."
I smirked a little as Jay Halstead never said those words in all the time I have known him.

"I'll get you that water now."
Thankfully it was sitting in a glass pitcher and a cup right next to it.
As he poured it,I could hear the doctor outside the door.

"Jay what time is it?"
I asked him oddly confused on how dark it was outside.
"9:45 why?"

"What you've been here such a long time."
"You should go home I'm fine."
I said taking the glass of water that he handed to me.
"No way,in the night."
"I don't like driving near hospitals at night it's kinda scary"
"Besides I can't leave you alone."

"Wow I didn't think Jay Halstead could have any fears."
"Oh believe me,there's a lot no one knows about me."
He said smirking.

"Yeah,there's something you don't know about me too."

"I like my partners to get sleep."

"Fine I'll sleep,in this chair,I'm not leaving your room."


He said back.

Jay and Hailey Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz