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Hailey's room was too dark,with the curtains drawn and nothing but silence.
Her phone buzzed 4 times until she finally pressed the answer button.
She said not knowing who it was.
"What is it?"
"She said sitting up in her bed."
"Vanessa is gone."
Jay said and immediately tried to reassure Hailey that everything is okay.
"What do you mean she's gone."
Hailey said throwing her slippers.
"Hailey Voight does not want you coming into day."
"What?" "Why."

"He said it's too personal."
"What this is ridiculous,she probably just went for a walk,I mean ever since she moved out she had had a lot of free time."
"No Hailey,just promise me you will not come in to today....."
"What,I'm already getting ready."
"Just stay home."
Then Jay hung up.

She angrily said to herself.

She got to work making breakfast for Ava.
Making mini pancakes and some fluffy eggs.

As soon as she poured the pancake batter into the pan she texted Jay.

Halstead what's going on.
                                Read 8:30


Hailey I'll call you in a second,but text me that you promise you won't come here.🤞

No I can't promise you that.

I can't call you then. You have to promise me. I will explain everything in the call.


Hailey flipped the pancake as she finished those she used the same pan to pour the eggs in.
She answered Jays call.
"Hailey,there is something I did not tell you."
"Vanessas disappearance was not on accident."
"Let me finish."
"We found marks leading up to her house.but not into it."
"Whoever kidnapped her,was careful not to leave any visual marks."

Hailey stood stunned for a few minutes and the eggs started to burn.
"I don't care what you say I'm coming in."
"I'm dropping Ava off."
But she hung up this time

She grabbed her keys as soon as they ate breakfast, her phone and wallet and headed out the door,with Ava in her arms. Locked her door then headed to the car.

After she dropped off Ava she headed to the district.

She saw Jay sitting outside looking for probably her.
His eyes narrowed at Hailey's car as she pulled into the parking lot.

"Hailey do not get out of the car." He blocked her door.
With that voice Hailey trusted him and Jay climbed In the side door.
"How bad is it."
She turned to Jay.
The look he gave her made her sigh then she got ready to be overwhelmed.

Jay and Hailey Where stories live. Discover now