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"Okay but what if you could be a Villain or a superhero."

"Oh definitely a Villain."
Jay replied back to Hailey as he helped her in the truck.

"Why would you want to,they're evil and cops are crime fighters so anyway's."

"So when am I going back to work,did Voight say?"

"Nothing yet,and you probably should take some time to heal."

"Nah I don't have time for that,if an alleged almost cop killer is out there."

"Hailey your shoulder is gonna take time to heal."

"Yeah,but I can still interrogate people right."

"Yeah you should be."
He said back as he walked to the Drivers side of the vehicle.

Back at the precinct 2 weeks later

"Alright I got two suspects that Kim and Atwater have in custody."
"You up for interrogating Upton?"

"Yeah anything to get this guy in jail."

"Alright Jay I want you in the interrogation room too."

"Got it Sarge."

Jay's POV
I wanted to catch this guy as much as The team did. But I was worried about Hailey,she didn't seem okay. Something else was going on.

"Hey Hailey I know you don't like me asking about your personal life but,I think something else is going on."

"No I have just been so tired lately."
"This case has worn me out,so I'm probably a little out of it."

"Hailey if you don't want to do the interrogation,I'd be happy to do it alone."

"You'd do that for me,that would be great."

"Yeah of course."

I replied.

And she seemed pretty relieved,and later Voight told me she went to her apartment.
I didn't want to bother her. But I also wanted her to be safe too. So I called her,and she answered and I went to her apartment I ordered takeout and we watched home alone.

Jay and Hailey Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz