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A couple weeks later since the incident.

Hailey didn't understand why it was so hard to forget what had happened,it had gotten better,but she'd been calling Jay in the middle of the night waking up from nightmares. Jay would again reassure her that she was okay.
Asking her questions like,"Can you feel your heartbeat?"that means your breathing." "Your okay Hailey."
Something he learned from therapy when he woke up from nightmares himself,after being released from the army. He felt that it was his fault that one of his buddies in the army had died in the explosion. Way back when he first got home he had awful nightmares about his buddy blowing up. He could never get it out of his mind.

A couple knocks interrupted her sleep.
Hailey stirred in her bed as she opened her eyes rubbing them and then getting up to see who is knocking at 7:30 in the morning.

She took a hair tie from her wrist pulling all her hair back into a messy bun before checking through the peephole to see who was at her door.
Kim Burgess

"Hey Kim what's up?"
Hailey asked putting one hand on her hip.
"Hey Hailey,I brought some purple pig over."
She said stepping over Hailey's door line.
As Hailey noticed the big crumpled bag Kim was holding crushing in her hand. She questioned.
"That's not possible,how did you know I like purple pig?" Hailey said slamming the door to following Kim to her own kitchen.
"The only other person who knows is H..."
"Halstead." Kim finished saying before laying the food out on the counter.
"Okay I'll deal with the reason why you know that later. "but purple pig in the morning?" She finished saying taking a fry and popping it into her mouth.
"I thought you could use some hospitality since you have been off duty for a couple weeks,that being your first day back is tomorrow."
"That's..really uh nice of you." Hailey said forming a small but kind smile.
"So why don't you say we turn on some tv,you and me dig into this delicious food, and you can tell me about gossip at work that I have missed." "Sounds good." Kim said grabbing one of the root beers. Since that was the closest they were going to get to beer that day being it was in the morning.
Adam and her were still recovering from the baby loss. She was handling it worse than Ruzek. She knew Ruzek was hurting but he chose to hide it other than her. Crying herself to sleep almost every night.
"So how are you holding up?" Hailey asked Kim breaking the silence,besides the tv. "Just still trying to process it honestly,but it has gotten better." "I'm glad." Hailey said,squeezing Kim's hand then smiling. "If you ever need anything,and I mean anything." "You call me okay?" "Yes." I will. She said as a faint smile displayed across Kim's face.

The next day
Hailey walked up the precinct steps,as she took everything in once again. She could do this,she was ready as she would ever. "it's good to have you back Upton" she heard Platt say as she walked past her desk.
She turned around,gave a small smile and then proceeded to head up the stairs

As she walked up the office stairs,Everyone gave her looks including Halstead who gave her a small smile. Not bad looks but just reassured that she was okay looks.
Voight looked at her,the look that told her to come to his office without saying anything just a head nod. She walked exhaling sigh of frustration,because she had no idea what he was going to say.
"Hey it's great that you are back, but are you emotionally ready..." she didn't let him finish. "If you mean if I'm ready to get back to work,yes I am."
"Alright,well that's all." Voight said as Hailey left his office.
She sat in her chair as she felt happy to be back, feeling great because this is the place where she felt at home.
Halstead came up to her desk as he said. "Glad you are back Hails."
She said and then got to work on the paperwork she needed to catch up on.
Hailey went to lunch this time Jay stayed behind because she told Jay she needed to call someone.

At lunch
Hailey picked up her phone as she held it to her ear.
"Dylan,what's up."
"Hailey it's really bad over here."
"What are you talking about,where are you."
"I'm in Iraq."
"What? "are you kidding, why are you in Iraq?"
"Yeah,I have to go actually,so please just pray I make it out of here alive."
"Dylan...Dylan damn it."

Back at the precinct
Jay watched Hailey take apart a pen for the 10th time.
She was about to do it again,when Jay walked up to her desk and grabbed her hand,and grabbed the pen in his other hand.
"Can I have my pen back?" She said annoyed at Halstead. Well it's not really a pen anymore." He replied back.
"Alright what's wrong." Jay asked as he took a seat at the corner of her desk. Hailey stared at her desk and rolled her eyes.
She got up and motioned for Jay to follow her.
He put the pen down on her desk and got up off her desk to follow her.

"It's Dylan."
"What's wrong?" He asked her
"He is in trouble..."

"Everyone get ready,we all have to go to the awards banquet."
Voight interrupted Hailey.
"Hailey wait."Jay said as Hailey walked off to get ready for the banquet.

At the banquet

Hailey was sitting at the table,drinking her third shot of vodka
She was not drunk yet.
She was about to ask for another,when Jay asked her to dance.

(Play the song above while they are dancing)

"No I am fine Halstead." "No I don't think you are." he said taking her hand and she stood up scoffing, leading her to the dance floor,Hailey walked slowly through the crowd,with her black sparkly dress shining from the lights,and her high heels clonking on the ground,as she stumbled a bit from the vodka shots.
(The song I'll go wherever you will go by the calling started to play)
Halstead supported her as they danced, because he knew that she had a bit too much to drink,putting his hand around her waist to keep her from falling.
"So what's up with Dylan?" Jay asked her knowing she would be too stubborn to give an on answer. "It's nothing,okay." "Hailey we both know I know better than anyone else in this unit when something is wrong." "Come on we tell each-other everything." "Hails,look at me."he said moving her chin up with his free hand
She just stared at him before finally giving in to his pleading. "Dylan...he uh....he is in Iraq." She finished saying before Halstead left his mouth gaping open because this was a huge surprise especially to him. "I'm sorry Hailey, look I got to go home okay,I can't do this anymore." Hailey wait."I need to be alone." "You can't drive yourself,you are almost to the verge of being drunk,you think imma let you drive home." Jay said grabbing his and Hailey's coat putting hers around her shoulders. Making sure to wrap it around.
"Your right,you drive." She said tossing him her keys.
"Wait one more for the road." Hailey said taking half a shot before Jay grabbed it out of her hands and placed the other half that he stopped her from drinking on the bar counter.
"Come on,Hailey no more alcohol."
He said guiding her out of the building the ceremony had been held.
"Atwater,tell Sarge I'm taking Hailey home."
"You got it,be careful."
"Yeah." Jay said nodding his head,then realized Hailey was almost on her way out before he ran up to her because he saw how much she was stumbling,he carefully put his arm around her shoulders and he swooped her up in his arms. Hailey immediately relaxed and calmed down, after smelling Jays relaxing scent of aftershave.

Sorry I have not updated in a while,but people seem to like this story,so I will keep continuing.
Just let me know what you guys would like to see in this story,and I love Upstead so I am not stopping anytime soon. Yeah anyways peace love and until next update.

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