14 Hailey fosters a little girl

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It was a very quiet day for the intelligence unit,every one was catching up on the paperwork from the day before. Hailey was so close to falling asleep,it was raining outside which made it peaceful and quiet for her to do so.
Jay was in the break room making coffee for everyone, as he finished filling everyone's mugs he walked to Hailey's desk placing a mug filled with cappuccino,which was Hailey's favorite.
Jay saw Hailey with her head on her desk asleep inhaling and exhaling breaths every couple seconds. Jay squeezed her shoulder gently.
"Hey hails."
Hailey stirred before barely opening her eyes to see Jay sitting on the corner of her desk. "I brought you coffee."
She smiled and opened her eyes wider and yawned as she reached for her mug. Immediately warming her hands with the hot liquid,she held it for a second before taking a small sip.

"Thank you Jay, you really know me."
"Yeah I do." They both chuckled. "alright we got a call." Voight said walking out of his office.
"We gotta go now."
Hailey hurried to her desk to grab her Jacket but Jay tossed it to her as she passed by him.

Quickly putting on their coats they headed out and down the stairs.

At the scene
The fire department was putting out the fire.

Jay and Hailey stood next to eachother. Both exchanging looks. They both turned their gaze toward the suspect that Another pair of cops apprehended.
Hailey's POV
Jay and me both studied the sight of the burning house. Then out of nowhere a small scream arised from somewhere. I looked around for a while before I found the source of the scream. I saw a little head pop out from the window on the house. "Help."
"Jay look." I told him as I tapped his shoulder and pointed to the window.

"There is someone up there." I told him as he squinted to where I pointed.
The fire was only on the side of the house.
"Hey,there is a little girl up there." I said as I ran toward the fireman putting out the fire.
"Listen lady we searched that entire house,and turned everything upside down." "There is no one in there."
"What kind of firemen are you?" "I said there is someone in there."
"Lady don't make me call the cops."
"I am the cops." "You idiot."
"Fine I'll do it myself."
Then I did what any sane person would probably not do and started running in the direction of the door of the house that was on fire.
Jay quickly noticed
"Hails,what are you doing?" He said catching up with me and pulling my arm back restricting me from going inside.
"Jay they are not listening, a little girl is in there."
"Hailey you cannot run in there,you are not a fireman."
He said gripping my arm tighter.
"Jay I have to."
I said as I pulled out of his grasp and ran inside before he could stop me again.
I ran up the stairs as I started to have trouble breathing. I covered my mouth with the sleeve of my shirt,as I continued up the stairs. I quickly found a sink and covered my sleeve in cold water,then I quickly covered my mouth back up.
Jays POV
I couldn't react fast enough to what happened. Hailey ran inside a burning house. My instincts kicked in to run after her,but as soon as I started running,Voight saw.
"Jay what are you doing?" "Your not trained to go in there."
"Hailey is in there,she went in after a little girl." I said gesturing toward the house with my hand.
"Yeah I tried to stop her,but she ran inside."
"Sarge these firefighters are not doing anything!"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean,she told them that there was a little girl inside."

General POV
As soon as Jay say that, Hailey came running out with a little girl in her arms,coughing as she ran out.
A fireman came running up to her and took the girl with him.
"Hailey what the hell were you thinking?"  Jay said to her as he examined her.
"That's the thing I wasn't thinking ,I just had to save her." Hailey said coughing repeatedly and Jay patted her back,as he guided her to the ambulance.

"Jay..." "Hailey I know what you're going to say,but you need to get medical treatment."
"Jay,I'm fine." Jay just ignored her and lightly pushed her up the back to the ambulance.
"Sylvie she needs oxygen."
Jay said jumping off the ambulance.
Then Sylvie put a mask on her.
"Jay." Hailey looked at Jay tears forming in her eyes.
"Hailey , I'll make sure she's okay, worry about you."
Hailey nodded and all of the emotion flooded in.
As Jay walked off,Voight came up to her.
Oh great Hailey thought in her mind,I can't deal with him mad at me right now.
"Ha...." "Voight." Please I know you are mad...."
"You are right I am mad,but what you did was the bravest thing I have ever seen a cop do." Hailey just looked at him,still having trouble breathing.
Tears rolled down her cheeks.
She nodded causing Voight to nod.
In that moment they understood eachother more than ever.
"You did good, kid."
And we that Voight walked away,Hailey still overwhelmed with emotion, felt her phone buzzing in her pocket.
"Hailey Upton,intelligence."
"Hey Hailey."
Hailey held the phone up to her ear.
"Dylan,you are okay." "Thank god!"
"This is Lieutenant Mark Ralls."  "Dylan said to call you." "He is fine but he broke his shoulder."
"Okay, thank you."
"He will stay here until his shoulder heals,Dylan is I a lot of pain." "He is having shoulder surgery tomorrow."
"What?" "I'm sorry I have to go back to base,have a nice day ma'am."
"Hello?" please tell Dylan to call me"
She said as she slammed her phone on the ambulance.
After she felt better she hopped off the ambulance.
"Hai.." "Sylvie I'll let you know if I feel weird, Okay?"
Sylvie nodded.

Jay was still worried about Hailey so he drove her to the 21st district.
She insisted on driving but he didn't think it was a good idea.

She hopped out of the car and headed to the door. 
Jay followed closely behind,and walked through the door.
"Jay,is she okay?"
"Hailey she is fine." "Come on,you can go see her."

"Hey girl,how are you doing?"
Hailey said as she realized the girl looked different than before,no soot or ashes covering her.
A brunette little girl with pig tails,and bright blue eyes.

"Hailey,her mom."
""What about her mom?"
"She died in the fire." Platt whispered in my ear.
"She's not going to understand what's going on."
Hailey said back
"She is also not talking." "She hasn't said a word since you saved her in the fire."
"Speaking of fire,are you okay?" "I heard that you ran inside, that was a very brave thing Hailey."
Trudy said back
Hailey looked back at Jay and Trudy.
"And she has no dad?"
"No the file on him says he overdosed on meth 5 years ago."
"She only has an abusive Aunt,and a grandma who is on bed rest."

"So she is going to go into the system if not placed in a foster home."

Trudy nodded.

"Alright where are the papers,I'll sign em."

Jay and Trudy both looked at eachother.

"Hailey you can't jus....."
"What?"take a little girl into my care,because we both know that foster care is a messed up system."

"Alright let me go call and get you the papers."
Trudy said walking away with a concerned look on her face.
Jay walked up to Hailey.

"Listen I got to do this,there is something in my brain telling me to do this."

Hailey stood up and walked to Trudys desk.
"Do you know her name?"

"Yes her name is Ava."
This time Hailey kneeled next to Ava.

"Hey Ava, I know your scared right now but it will be okay."
The little girl looked at Hailey and grabbed onto Hailey and hugged her.
Hailey's eyes formed tears.
She put her arms around Ava.
Jay stood next to Hailey as Platt handed her the paperwork.

"Hails this is going to take a while."
Jay said putting his hand on her shoulder.
"I know and I'm willing to wait."
Hailey turned around and looked at Platt and Jay.
"I'm going to do this."

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