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Chicago's finest 21st police department Detectives were all still waiting for news on Hailey, Jay paced back and forth in the hospital room. Severide and Jay were best friends so Kelly went to go see how his friend was holding up. " Jay man, sit down your making me nervous." " sorry, I just did not have her back in this. Its all my fault, if she dies...."  She is not going to die Jay." " She probably just got sick from the hit, "when you take that hard of a blow to the neck you are definitely not fine. "  Jay said now finally sitting down as Will walked into the waiting room.

Jay immediately looked up, as awaiting news from his best friend, and partner was hard enough, he just wanted some news, good or bad he could take it.

" Okay so we did an MRI on Hailey, there is nothing broken thank god, because she would have been paralyzed from the neck down." " However she does have a concussion, do you have any idea what she could have been hit with." Will asked looking down at a worried Jay. "jay" " 'yeah,yeah "  sorry she said when she got up, she felt a metal pipe behind her."   "That is all she said to me"" It could have been that, however the Alley was filled with all kinds of junk" " hey can I see her now."  Yeah let me take you to her room" "okay." He said and Jay followed Will to her room. He stopped as he saw her laying there, looking for an up and down simple heartbeat. And sure enough her chest displayed a heartbeat. Jay noticed it was moving a little bit faster. And she inhaled as she turned around,and yawned and her eyes opened slowly. She smiled once she realized who it was. "Hey,Jay." She said.
"Hails I'm glad you are okay." They both talked for a while.

2 months later
October 10th windy cold, rainy day.
The leaves were falling outside displaying splashes of color almost every mile of the streets of Chicago.
"Hey Jay we got an assignment,a little girl who is 6 is missing,her name is Shayla Hines." Hailey said into her phone as she got dressed for work.
"Got it, I'll come and pick you up." With that Hailey ended the call and finished putting on makeup,not a lot of makeup but just some mascara and lip gloss.
Jay's POV
I pulled up to Hailey's, she had her hair pulled back into a high ponytail,I noticed she was wearing a little makeup, she was wearing a light grey hoodie,with a red short sleeve shirt Hailey doesn't need any makeup she is so pretty with out it. She smiled and slid into the passengers seat of my truck, "hey." "Hey." She said back, "alright let's go find this girl." She said. I inserted the key in the ignition,as the engine started up. Jay, Hailey I need you guys to talk to the parents."
Voight said

General POV
"Ma'am I understand this is difficult for you, but do you know of anyone that would want to intentionally hurt your family."
Jay asked the distressed mom.
"No, no really ever seemed to have any grudge at all."
" Any friends? "family that were here recently?"
"Maybe someone you knew,that babysit Shayla." Hailey asked as she went to sit across from the mom.
"Only this 17 year girl she was our babysitter for Shayla up until one day,we fired her because she didn't show up for a week. "Then one morning she tried to knock on our door, we didn't answer of course." "She knocked harder and louder." "We didn't think of it as anything serious until now that I am thinking about it."
"Okay,what is your babysitter's name?"
Halstead asked.
"Katie shepherd."
The mom responded.
Once the two detectives got an address, they walked out the front door,and the wind got chillier and colder as they walked to Jay's car.
Jay noticed Hailey shivering so he put her coat on for her,and wrapped it around her shoulders,she slid her arms through the arm holes. And zipped up her jacket,as Jay turned on the heat she felt herself getting warmer.

"Thanks." Hailey said as she rubbed her hands together trying to feel the heat faster.
"Yeah,anything for you Hails."

At Katie's house.

"Alright let's play this one steady,we don't want anyone spooked."
Hailey nodded her head as her and her partner slowly closed in on the suspects house.

Jay gave her a signal. He held his fist up signaling for her to wait before she knocks on the door.

"Chicago pd,open up."
Jay said in a loud tone,he said it once more then he busted down the door.

"I'll check upstairs." Hailey said as she held her gun close by as she cautiously climbed the stairs.
Jay nodded as he opened and checked every door on the main level of the house.

"Chicago pd anyone up here." Hailey said as she walked into a master bedroom, checking under a pile of clothes and then checking a closet,she realized she needed to look further because it was a walk in closet.

She uncovered a hidden door in the closet.
"JAYYY." She called to her partner.
Jay rushed up the stairs and called Hailey's name. and Hailey said " in here."

"Help me open this,it looks like a secret door."

Jay pried it open with his hands,and Hailey shone a light in the darkness, a little girl was sitting in the back,tears streaming down her face.
"Oh my gosh." Hailey said as she almost fell down from the horror
Jay sat down to seem less scary to the little girl.
"Hey we are gonna get you out of here,I'm jay and this is Hailey." Hailey waved to the little girl.
The little girl sat shivering.
Hailey whispered to Jay "hey let me try something."
Jay quickly moved out of the way.
He stepped out of the closet so he wouldn't frighten the little girl.

"Hey sweetie,I know your scared." "It's gonna be okay." Hailey held out her hand,the little girl looked at it and hesitated,before Grabbing onto Hailey's hand.
"Almost there,sweetie." Hailey gently lifted her once the girl was close enough.

The girl latched onto Hailey as soon as she got her out of there.
Hailey stared at Jay,sighed and smiled. And he smiled back. A huge feeling of reassurance passed between them.
They headed downstairs,and the suspect walked into the house.
"What happened."
"JAY." Jay saw her and rushed to grab her.
"No please it's not my fault."
"We'll see if it is." Hailey said as Jay handcuffed her and they brought both the little girl who clung to Hailey,and The suspect who was only 17 years old.

Interrogation room
"My mom,always has been the support of our family,just me my sister and used to be our little sister." " my youngest sister she was killed in a car crash." "my mom never got over it." "How come she made you do this." Jay asked her as he leaned against the wall.
"Did you know that your mom was harboring a little girl." Hailey said as she got closer to the table. "Yes,but my mom is so manipulating she told me that she would kick me out if I told anyone." "I would literally have no where to go." "So why were you at the house when we found Shayla." Jay questioned. " I was going to get her out of there." "That's why I was surprised when I came in the door,that it was busted down." "Because I thought my mom came and took her somewhere else." Hailey and Jay both sighed,as Jay opened the door,as Hailey followed him out,"Sit tight." He said as the door shut behind them. "Jay,she is telling the truth." "Hailey,we don't know that yet,it could be all just a lie." "We have to make sure,we need to find the mom."

Kevin and Burgess went to go search for the "kidnapper."

"Chicago PD don't move." Kim said as she saw the lady in plain sight.
The women put her hands up,as Kevin got behind the woman and handcuffed her.

The confession didn't take long and the detectives were relieved. Because it had been a long day for everyone,and they were glad they had found the little girl.

The girl would not pull from Hailey.
But as soon as Hailey got out of the car,
"Alright sweetie ready to see your mom." The girl practically leaped from Upton's arms and ran to her mom,full speed. The mom engulfed her daughter into a protective hug,as she and her husband burst into tears knowing that their daughter was safe.

Hailey watched,and smiled and a tear even came from her eye. Jay saw and said "come on partner,let's go celebrate." He said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and led her to the truck.

Authors note: I hope this chapter was good,it's extra long this time because I thought it would be nice to finally have the longest chapter, anyways peace love and stay safe. God bless✌️🙏

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