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A couple days went by and they still couldn't track Hailey down.

"Sarge we haven't found leads in 2 days."
Kevin said.

"Well get them,find them,do something that helps us find Hailey."
Voight replied.
"This is a rescue,she could be bleeding out we need to find her."


The team did nothing but look for Hailey for hours.
Adam did what he could to make sure everyone ate.

The phone rang.

"Thank you so much."
"Have a good day."

"Sarge looks like we got a lead."
Rojas said standing up from her chair.

"The gas station Employee Said she saw a man fitting the description I told her about yesterday."

"He also made a transaction at the appliance store this morning at,8:30"
Kim chimed in.

"Oh she just sent me the license plate footage the security camera caught."

"Great run the plate."

Voight yelled and everyone rushed to their feet.

They came upon A big warehouse.
"Chicago Pd."
Jay said before smashing the door with a battering ram.

The S.W.A.T followed Jays signals close,as they searched the perimeter.

Adam and the rest of the team secured all the exits.

Before nearing a corner a man jumped out and knocked Jay to the ground,and S.W.A.T pulled him off Jay.

"We have one offender In Custody."
Jay said into his radio.

As They approached a huge door guarded with a metal lock.
Being the Cop That Jay was it only took a few seconds to knock down that door.

"Hailey are you in here?"

Jay followed the voice,but it didn't sound like Hailey.

It was what looked like a 17 year old Girl.

"I'm gonna help you,it's okay."
"Do you know who Hailey is?"

Jay asked as he approached her.

"Yeah she is upstairs."

The girl said taking the hand that Jay held out to her.

He pulled her up and sent her out with S.W.A.T.
"Make sure she gets an ambulance."

She said turning around.

"Be careful upstairs,there is a bomb."

"Thank you."
Jay nodded at the girl as the S.W.A.T team lead her out.

"Sarge we got a problem."
"The girl we found,said there is a bomb upstairs with Hailey."

"Wait for bomb squad."
Voight said.

"I think they just told her that to make her scared."

"Halstead do not go up there,Stand down Jay."
But Voight was no longer talking to Jay,just a turned off radio.

Jay thought that there was no bomb so he headed up there with the rest of the S.W.A.T team that was there.

After a couple minutes Jay turned his radio back on.

Jay had found her barely breathing on a concrete floor on the top floor.

"Hailey can you hear me."

Jays voice echoed through the room.

She said weakly as Jay lifted her up using the rest of his strength he had that day.

He carefully carried her out of there.

"Sarge we found her,I repeat we found her."

"Coming out now."

He could hear Voight sigh.

Authors note:
Hi Author here hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I'm nearing Jay and Hailey admitting their feelings for eachother.
As always peace love and God bless!!

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