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This one is more so Sanvers than Supercorp. It's also pretty short and not my greatest work but it was pretty fun to write at 2am.

"No, no. I was 15 and you stole my damn brush," Alex corrected her sister before she was interrupted by-
"Bee!" Lena squealed and ran out of her girlfriend's hold.
"Ah! Shit! Shit!" Kara cursed as the bee got way too close to her face.
"Fuck no!" Alex yelled and dropped to the floor when the bee moved away from Kara and neared Maggie.
Maggie noticed the buzzing insect but didn't flinch at all.
Kara looked at her short friend in awe and Lena slowly peeked our from behind the tree she hid behind to see if the bee was gone only to find it floating around her Maggie.
After a couple awkward seconds of the bee's stinger being pointed directly at Maggie's nose, it eventually flies away.
Lena slowly goes back to her girlfriend and that reminds Maggie to get her's. When she looks for her girlfriend, she finds that she's still on the floor.
"Danvers, get off the damn floor."
"So, Alex," Kara starts after Alex scrambles to her feet and dusts off her jeans, "what happened to bad ass director Danvers?"
"Shut up Kara, you're a literal puppy. All you do is radiate sunshine," Alex retorts.
This makes Maggie snort and Kara pout to which Lena sees.
"It's ok babe, at least you're not a lesbian stereotype."
"Alex is a bottom, don't worry. The stereotype means nothing," Maggie reassures Kara and earns a punch in the shoulder from Alex.
"No way! Director Danvers a pillow princess, totally didn't guess that," Lena exclaims.
"Ok, ok, no more. I don't want to hear anymore about my sister's sex life," Kara yelps.
"Ok whatever, but what the actual fuck was that?" Maggie questions, "I mean, are you all really that scared of a bee?"
"How are you not?" Alex counters.
"Because it's a small ass insect!"
"With a weapon attached to it's body," Lena points out.
"Whatever," Maggie huffs.
"So," Lena starts and looks at Kara, "Alex really is a pillow princess."
Kara whines and pushes Lena away from her and Alex yells "Shut the hell up!"
"I'm never letting this piece of information go."
"You're an ass, Maggie too."
"Babe, don't be mad at me."
"Go away," Alex whines when her girlfriend pulls her into a forced hug.
"I'm sorry I tarnished your bad ass reputation."
"I don't forgive you," Alex finally gives up on fighting her girlfriend's grasp.
"I'll treat you all to ice cream," the cop bargains.
"I forgive you Maggie!" Kara calls.
"Listen to your sister, Alex," Lena replies.
"Fine, I'll take your stupid ice cream."
"Love you."
"Love you too," Alex says gruffly.

Supercorp One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now