The Modern Struggles of Homophobia

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I think the title serves as warning enough but there is some homophobia/ homophobic language in this chapter. That along with an abusive relationships, families + mentions of it.

Lena's POV
"So Kara?" I ask my girlfriend as I swing our joined hands.
She hums in response so I continue, "How do you feel about going to the mall? Some prick stepped on my shoes in a board meeting and creased them. I want to see if I can get some new ones."
"You know I have no problem with you buying yourself things but don't you have like two other pairs?" the blonde questions, lifting her head off my shoulder to look at me as we continue to walk down the sidewalk.
"Well yeah but I figured while we were there we could pick up some pretzels."
When I say that, Kara's face lights up with a giant, infectious, smile that makes me smile too.
Our moment of bliss is rudely interrupted with someone yelling "Hey dykes!"
Kara and I both turn around so quickly, I'm surprised neither of us hurt our necks.
I see an older man walking with a younger girl who looks positively mortified right behind us on the sidewalk. The man is tall with a bald head while the girl is much shorter with shoulder length hair.
"Yeah, you two. I'm talking to you! You're both disgusting! People like you should be illegal, you are all goin' to hell anyway!" He walks closer to us and Kara starts backing up, tears filling her eyes and I immediately know what this is doing to her so I step forward.

Kara's POV
"Thanks Lena. Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." I hang up the phone and set my house keys on the table.
Mon-El walks out of our bedroom and just by seeing the look on his face I can already tell by the look on his face that tonight isn't going to be a good day.
"You talk to Lena too much, it's like you have a crush on her. You should really leave her alone, she's gonna get sick of you," Mon-El says as he walks over to me, plants a rough kiss on my forehead, then crosses his arms.
"What? No," I say panicked, "I don't have a crush on Lena."
"It was a joke, Kar-bear," He starts.
God I hate that nick name.
"You can really be too sensitive, you need a sense of humor."
I scoff and turn to walk towards my bathroom, away from Mon-El, but that seems to upset him.
"Where are you going?" His tone rising, his question is more of a growl than anything.
"I have to use the bathroom," I say and try to push past his body.
"Oh no. I think you should be making me dinner, in the kitchen, where you belong," he answers and pushes closer to the kitchen.
"But I've been working all day, I need to-" I squeak at his assault and try to move past again.
"Look, I don't know what you're thinking right now but you're obviously mistaken. I hold the power here, not you. You listen to me and do what I tell you. Not me, you."
*Hours later*
Mon-El and I are laying in bed. It's 12 am, he's snoring but I can't sleep. My thinking seems to not want to slow for the night.
Like I said, I knew today would be a bad day.
I can't help but think back to what Mon-El said earlier though.
"It's like you have a crush on her."
On Lena. My best friend.
It's not like I'm appalled at the idea, Lena is amazing. In fact, I kinda like the way it sounded. It might explain my bizarre attraction to her.
Lena, my crush. Maybe more one day. My girlfriend?
No, too much. Too far. I'm happy with boys. I have a boyfriend. I'm happy with my boyfriend.
Ok, maybe that's not all true. I'm not happy with Mon-El. At all.
But with men? Yeah, I like them. Women? There's Lena.
I liked Lucy, James's ex.
Ooh, and Imra, Nia's friend.
Then there was Psi, she was a bad guy but I can't deny her being attractive.
Oh god, I need Alex.
I rush out of my loft and walk quickly to Alex's. Luckily, she only lives three blocks away and not too many people were out this late in National City.
I rush up five apartment floors and find Alex's. I knock and Maggie opens the door.
"Little Danvers?" she squints at me, "It's 1 am, why are you here so late?"
"I need Alex," I tell her, hurriedly.
"Um ok, let me go wake her up," Maggie says and turns back into the apartment, walking away from me and I walk inside, closing the door behind me.
"Kara, what the fuck? This couldn't wait until tomorrow, maybe morning?" Alex questions while rubbing her eyes and walking to the couch, where I'm sitting.
"Sorry, I couldn't sleep. I needed your help."
"Yeah, whatever," she says as she plops down on the couch, "What's up?"
"I'm confused," I tell her, vaguely.
"About?" Alex makes a motion with her hand, insisting I go on.
"Who I like."
"What does that mean? Like sexuality?"
"Oh. How long have you been thinking about this, Kara?"
"A long while, actually. I'm just now trying to figure out what I identify as, though.
"Ok, well then. What were you thinking?"
"Boys and girls."
"So bisexual?"
"Yeah, I think I'm bisexual."
"You think or?" Alex drawls out her question and I figure out what she's asking.
"I am bisexual," I confirm, nodding to myself.
"You are bisexual?"
"Yeah, I am."
"Are you gonna tell Mon-El?"
"I don't know," I say, hugging myself.
The thought of being anything but straight to Mon-El scares me. I saw how he reacted when he saw Winn and James get together and he was not happy.
"I think you should, Kar. He'll support you if he's a good man."
When Alex says that, I start to tear up.
"Kara, why are you-"
I dive in for a hug which cuts her off but she gladly returns the hold.
"That's the thing, Alex," I cry, "He's not a good man."
"What do you mean?"
"He's an abusive ass who's both sexist and homophobic. Please Alex, don't make me come out to him," I cry even more, which are really just turning into full blown sobs.
"I'm not making you do anything," my sister coos as she rubs my back.
"Thank you."
"Of course, just do one thing for me, stay here with Maggie."
"What are you gonna do?" I look up, confused as Alex gets up and grabs her leather jacket off a chair.
"Kicking this bastard out, you won't have to be worrying about Mon-El anymore Kara."
And with that, Alex is gone and Maggie takes her place on the couch, holding me.
*end of flashback*

That man, he's so much like Mon-El. He acts the same way, yells the same way. Disrespects women the same way. They are one in the same.
I start to back away when he gets closer, I'm not trying to figure out if this man and my ex hit the same way.
When Lena takes a step forward though after noticing me, that's when I really start to panic.
She made a mistake.
I try to tell her to come back, pull her close but my arm doesn't move and my voice doesn't work.

Lena's POV
"Hey man, I'm not sure what your problem is but it should have nothing to do with us. Stick your nose where it belongs," I retort calmly and it only make him angrier.
"Oh really?" he gets even closer and I can feel his hot breath on my face. He raises his hand and I prepare myself for the hit.

"Mom!" Lex yells when he walks in the room and pulls Lillian away from my body.
I'm on the floor, bloody, bruised and crying from the beating I received from this evil woman that I'm forced to call "Mother".
I should be used to this treatment but it still hurts, even at 14. I'm just curious as to why she does this everyday. You know, other than me being open about my sexuality.
"What?" she hisses at my brother, her voice cold and icy.
"Why are you doing this?" I croak, before Lex can even answer her.
My question is responded to with a kick to my ribs which makes me cough.
"Because," Lillian starts, "You are disgusting, and deviant, and you've ruined my life. You're going to hell."
"She's done nothing, her being gay shouldn't change anything. Leave her alone, Mom."
I don't understand how Lex can call her mom after everything he's seen her do but I'm not going to question it, he's helping me now.
Lillian seems to take no pleasure in hitting me any longer and scoffs as she walks out of the room.
As she leaves, Lex rushes over to help me up.
"C'mon Lena," he extends his hand to me, "Let's go clean you up."
*end of flashback*

I close my eyes and flinch, expecting a blow but after a couple seconds of waiting without being struck, I reluctantly open my eyes.
I see the girl that this man was with struggling to hold his hand back.
"Dad, please stop! This is embarrassing! They are a happy couple so what are you harassing them for?" she begs this man.
"Because it's wrong and disgusting and they're going to hell."
"They aren't doing anything wrong! Just leave them alone!" the teen cries out to him.
"It's ok sweetie," I say as calmly as possible to the frantic teenage girl, "Sadly we have to deal with this a lot."
"Whatever," the girl's father grumbles, "Gracie, let me go, we're going home."
His daughter lets his arm go and he storms down the sidewalk with his kid tailing him, not before she mumbles a quick apology to the couple though.
I turn around to a petrified Kara but she snaps back into reality when I gently touch her shoulder.
"You ok?"

Kara's POV
No, no I'm not ok. But I think I will be.

Lena's POV
"We're ok," Kara shakily breathes out, repeating our previous statement's.
"Yeah," I reply, trying my best to reassure the both of us, "we're ok."
"So," Kara finally speaks up as we walk down the sidewalk, "is the mall pretzel offer still on the table?"
I laugh quietly and Kara gives me a lopsided smile.

Supercorp One shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora