June 1st

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I'm not exactly vocal about my sexuality.
Only my family knows, and friends but I don't really have any.
Only two, Nia and Lucy.
Nia is the youngest out of us and is proudly transgender. She works at a boutique not too far away from Catco so she always has super cute clothes and is a goddess with makeup.
Lucy is the oldest out of the trio, she works as a barista during the day and a bartender at night. She's bisexual and dropped out of military training so she has a slightly aggressive attitude. She reminds me a lot of my sister, Alex (a fbi agent).
And of course the girl I started dating, Lena. She obviously knows I'm a lesbian.
Other than that, I keep my sexuality to myself.
I work at Catco media as a reporter. And I'm pretty damn good at my job. Since I only started as a reporter about eight months ago, my success makes my other coworkers jealous. People like James Olsen and Mike Matthews, they despise the fact that I'm a favorite of Cat's. If they found out I was gay, they would drag me for it. God know's why, it's not like it's any of their business.
But now, I just don't bring it up.
Today is June 1st though, the beginning of pride month, and my CEO of a girlfriend is going to work decked in rainbow, she even had Nia come over and help her with makeup this morning.
She even encouraged me do a little something.
Now, it may just be me wearing a t shirt to work but to other. Yet, to me and everyone else who truly knows me, they understand that this is a big step with me embracing who I am.

"Yeah babe?" I call to my girlfriend, Lena.
"What do you think you'll do for pride?"
"I don't know, probably go to the parade."
"That's forever away, you don't want to wear something to work?" Lena walks over to the couch and sits on my lap, facing me.
I give her a peck on the cheek then speak. "What can I say? My coworkers are bullies. You know how James and Mike are, blatantly homophobic. They already hate me, I don't need them to start complaining to Cat when I'm trying to get her to like me more, saying I'm shoving my sexuality down their throats or being told I can be made straight."
"You think too much. And no offense but you're coworkers aren't exactly the brightest. They probably couldn't piece together the rainbow and you being gay."
"Ok, I guess you're right," I tap her thigh, signaling for her to get up, and when she does I walk over to my closet.
I start digging through it, looking for anything rainbow and finally find something.
I pull out a rainbow shirt my adoptive mother, Eliza, and sister, Alex, bought for me as a Christmas present from both of them which was around the time I finally came out. That along with a pair of blue high waisted jeans.
"This good?" I ask for my girlfriend's approval.
"Whatever you are comfortable with, you don't have to do anything you don't want to. I was just asking."
"No, you're right. I'm gay, I should own it. It's not that I'm not proud of it, but it's not like I really have anyone at Catco to really to talk to about stuff like this."
"And I don't doubt the fact that you are proud to be gay," Lena says and wraps her arms around my neck, playing with my hair.
"Let's just go to bed. It's getting late and you look upset, bub," Lena looks at me, concerned.
"No, I'm ok, just tired."
"Yeah, let's sleep. It's already 11, anyway."
*7 hours later*
I slowly open my eyes, adjusting to the light of early morning National City.
I flip over to my left side and notice a figure looming over me.
I frantically reach for my glasses to try and figure out what is standing over me but it's too late because it screams "Happy Pride!"
Nia? This son of a bitch.
I put my glasses on and see Nia standing over me, looking self satisfied with normally gorgeous make up. On this fine day though her eye shadow consists of the colors of the trans pride flag.
"Well," I hum, "Good morning to you too. What time is it?"
"5 am."
"What the fuck? Why the hell are you in my apartment this early?"
"Lena wanted some help with her makeup."
"Oh. Ok."
"Good morning, babe," Lena greets as she walks into the bedroom.
She's wearing rose-checkered vans with black jeans which I notice is a lot more casual than what Lena normally wears. Ever. I didn't even know Lena was capable of owning something casual that isn't actually something she stole from me.
She literally wears lingerie regularly and has silk pajamas sets which is a definite step up from me using Alex's old college hoodies as sleepwear.
Lena's also wearing a grey button up shirt with little rainbows which is probably the closest thing to what she normally has on at work. The outfit is paired with some incredible rainbow eye shadow which just screams Nia's handiwork.
"I'm gonna head to Noonan's to see Lucy before I have to go to work. I'll catch you during your lunch break?" Nia asks.
"Uh yeah, I'll see you then."
"Bye Nia, thanks again," the raven haired girl says goodbye.
"Of course, this was actually really fun for me to do."
The taller girl rushes out of the apartment and I decide to actually leave my bed.
"So, I don't have to leave for another 3 hours. When do you leave?" I turn to Lena.
"I have to get to L-Corp in 1."
"Ok. I'm gonna get ready. As you know, I take forever so I might not see you before you leave."
"That's fine," Lena walks over to me and hugs me, "Be brave today, I know you feel a little off but you'll be ok."
"Thanks," I mumble and hold her closer.
"Ok," she pulls away from my grasp, "Go get ready."
*end of flashback*

I look down at what I'm wearing and sigh.
This is ok. It's not that big.
Just a normal shirt. Plus the rainbow.
The elevator door opens so I walk out and to my desk at Catco.
I see my James standing by the printer, checking out Cat's new assistant.
Poor girl.
I sit a my desk, nurturing a tea that I got this morning from Lucy and log into my laptop, seeing if there are any emails from my editor, Snapper, about what I can work on today.
The elevator door pings open and The Queen of Media herself walks in.
She looks around the buzzing work office but when her eyes land on me, you can obviously tell she notices my shirt and I just want to make myself smaller so desperately.
I didn't even think about how my boss would react to me announcing my sexuality.
And while most of my coworkers aren't as smart, Ms. Cat Grant knows how to put two and two together.
Cat walks past my desk and says quietly, "I knew it."
My face flushes at the comment she makes and I quickly turn around and try to explain everything but she already walking into her office.
"Keira!" she calls minutes later.
I'm barely holding myself together as I walk into her workspace.
Try not to cry. Try not to cry.
No, you're not gonna cry. You are gay, you are proud and you don't care what your boss thinks.
"Yes Ms. Grant?" I ask, still trying to convince myself that this employer won't humiliate me for being gay, not like the last two.
"You seem uneasy today, Keira, I can't have my star reporter getting sick. What's up?"
"It's a bit more personal, Ms. Grant."
"Does it have something to do with your shirt?" Cat asks causally asks and I feel like I'm gonna vomit.
I open my mouth to try and deny everything but Cat starts talking before I can get my words out.
"Look, Kara-" she begins.
Holy shit.
She said my name right, this must be serious.
"You looked like you shit yourself when I first noticed your shirt. And I don't know what's happened to you in the past but I want you to know it's ok to be gay and be successful. You shouldn't have to feel held back or scared."
I try to explain again but she still keeps talking.
"And maybe you haven't picked up on this yet but I am asexual. Just look at my mug," I direct my vision towards the cup in her hands, thankful that I have something to look at other than looking her in the eyes, "Kara, it's the colors of the flag. I personally don't understand how you didn't notice this before but I am asexual."
I just nod along, a little confused as to where this is going but slightly comforted by the fact that I can really, actually feel comfortable and represented here at Catco.
"Take the day off, you'll still get paid. My treat. You honestly look like you've been trying super hard not to puke. Or cry. I can't tell, just go home and enjoy your day. And say hi to Lena for me. I haven't arranged an interview with L-corp in a while. I should have you do that next week," Cat winks.
I would say that she was musing but you could tell by the look on her face that she has been planning to say that for a while.
My face goes red and I choke out "How did you know I was dating her?"
"Because I'm not as dumb and oblivious as James or Mike. She literally filled your office with flowers and whenever someone says her name, your eyes go wide or your ears turn red."
"Oh god," I scold myself and look down at the floor.
"Have a nice day off Kara."
"Thank you Ms. Grant," I respond and walk back to my desk, ready to grab all my work and leave.

I did it. I even got a day off out of it.

Hell yeah, babe. Celebrate at Big Belly Burger tonight?

You really do know the way to my heart

Don't doubt that. I'll see you at 7?

For sure.

So, I actually did it. I finally owned who I am.
Plus I get a day off from work and burgers with my girlfriend out of it.

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