Sugar Wasted

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"Hey Lena," the older Danvers sister struts over.
"Alex, hey."
"So, you and Kara, huh?"
"Yeah, it's not a problem that we're together right?"
"Oh god no, it's about damn time," Lena scoffs when she hears that, "I actually wanted to talk to you about something."
"Oh no."
"Oh yeah. I was just gonna say, you should watch Kara's sugar intake."
"Is she diabetic?" Lena voices her worry.
"No, no! God, have you met her? She's not diabetic. I was going to say Kara can't get drunk off regular alcohol but she can get candy drunk."
Lena chokes on her wine, "She gets fucking what?"
"Candy drunk," Alex confirms, like this is a normal thing.
"But how? Is that even real?" Lena gapes.
"No idea, it's just what we call it. Well, she simply eats way too much sugar. She'll get really happy and giggly begin to slur her words. In other cases she'll get really grumpy and tired. It's like a sugar high, just times 10 with all the syptoms of being drunk."
"Well, that's reassuring, " Lena says with a snort.
"Wait-" Lena pauses, "Is she now?" and points at her girlfriend.
Kara is half asleep next to a half empty donut box, 5 chocolate wrappers and what use to be a filled bowl of gummy bears but now only holds about 3.
Placed next to her is a shocked Maggie holding a beer.
"Babe?" The shorter girl calls, her eyes not leaving Kara.
"Yes Maggie?"
"Is Kara ok?"
"Oh god," Alex looks at Lena, "Hope your ready to deal with her."
"Can't she just sleep?"
"No, I'll even prove my point. In 3...2...1," Alex counts down.
Right after her sister hits 1, Kara is giggling over nothing.
"Oh my god," Lena groans.
"We'll reschedule movie night. Good luck," Alex pats the CEO on the shoulder, "Cmon babe, grab your beer. We should leave Lena to deal with this."
Maggie flashes Kara a concerned look (who is giggling but suddenly stops and is turning paler) and finally gets off the couch. Maggie walks over to Lena.
"Sorry, I didn't know she did that," Maggie timidly replied, one hand rubbing her neck and the other gripping her beer.
"Neither did I," the raven haired girl replied.
When the door closes signaling that Alex and her girlfriend left Lena quietly repeats, "Neither did I."
Lena walks over to Kara, who currently looks ready to vomit.
Lena notices this and runs to the kitchen to grab a garbage can.
The raven haired girl runs back to the blonde one just in time so Lena holds the bin out to her girlfriend and pulls her curly locks back as she heaves over the bin.
"You're ok," Lena coos as her girlfriend groans.
"Lena," she lets out weakly.
"Yes Kara?"
"Never leave me alone with sugar again?"
"Never again, babe. Now let's go get you cleaned up," the ceo helps the reporter up and walks her over to the bathroom.
"I'll go grab you some pajamas and you brush your teeth in here."
The other girl just hums in response.
Lena walks away from her girlfriend to their bedroom and grabs some sweatpants and a t-shirt. She rushes back to the bathroom, worried that Kara got into something while in her "drunken" state.
She only finds the other girl sitting on the toilet, on the brink of sleep. Lena hates to have to disturb her but she needs to change.
Knowing Kara, she really has to change out of her work clothing. If she doesn't before bed, she can't sleep. And when Kara doesn't sleep, the next day you either get a cranky Kara (the equivalent of a mad toddler) or an overly hyper Kara (somehow).
So Lena taps Kara and pulls her out of her state of relaxation.
"You have to change," Lena says quietly.
"I don't want to change," the candy-drunk (is that even a real thing?) girl moans.
"You need to," Lena sighs and grabs Kara's shoulders to stop her from trying to run.
The blonde tries to pull away and when she still can't escape the other girl's grasp, she starts wiggling.
"Stop squirming."
"No," she says, wiggling more and still trying to get away from her girlfriend.
"I need to change your shirt so you don't reek of vomit."
"No, I don't wanna change."
Lena, growing more annoyed with the girl in front of her, perks up when she realizes she might have something to convince Kara to change.
"I have your favorite shirt," Lena rolls out the shirt with the faded Supergirl crest on the chest.
"Fine," Kara huffs.
"Now," Lena starts when Kara was fully in her pajamas, "That wasn't so hard, was it?"
"I'm tired."
"I know."
"But I wanna watch a movie."
"You just said you were tired?"
"I am," Kara says, growing bothered with the fact that Lena can't understand her.
"So why not sleep?"
"Because I wanna watch Finding Nemo."
"You can watch in tomorrow," Lena knows she said the wrong thing when she sees Kara's eyebrow twitch, she's on the verge of a tantrum.
"Fine," the raven haired girl caves.
45 minutes into the movie, Kara fell asleep with her head laid on Lena's lap. And since Lena is too scared of waking Kara up, she starts reading a novel.
The door swings open and reveals a loud duo, Winn and Nia.
"Kara settle this debate for us-" Nia practically yells as the both of them walk in, only to be harshly shushed by Lena.
"Uh, what is this?" Winn questions.
"Did you guys know she got "candy drunk"?"
"Uh, yeah. Literally everyone knew," Nia answers with a confused expression.
"Even you, Winn?"
"Wow, ok."
"Do you need help?" the boy points at Kara laying in her lap.
"Yes, please help me," the normally confident ceo pleads.
"No Schott, let her learn."
"I'm gonna help. Do you want me to move her to your bed?" Winn questions as he picks up a sleeping Kara.
"Yes please," Lena answers in an exasperated tone.
"Well," Nia begins, "I'm sure tonight was a journey for you."
"Never again. I never want to do that again."
"Just wait until she gets her hands on alien liquor. And here's a hint, she doesn't handle it well," Nia tells Lena chuckling while the other girl just groans.
"Well, I guess Nia and I will just leave," Winn utters, emerging from the couple's bedroom.
"I'll stop by in the morning. Help you drag Kara out of bed for work," the cub writer informs Lena.
"Tomorrow is a Saturday?"
"That it is, Cat wants a new article and let's just say it's a complex one. Kara and I have been working on it since Wednesday."
"Damn, I thought my job was hard," Winn folds her arms.
"You forget I own part of Catco, do you want me to make it harder?" Lena challenges.
"You wouldn't," he gapes.
"Yeah," Nia grabs the shorter boy's arm and starts pulling him towards the front door, "We're gonna go now. Have fun in the morning."

And I'm sure you can imagine how the next morning went. If not, well here's some highlights:
"Kara you have to get up!" Lena yells.
"No!" Kara yells back but it's muffled by the pillow covering her face.
"Kara, you're going make us late," Nia remarks, "Cat's gonna get mad."
"Screw Cat."
"I'll tell her you said that," Lena attempts to scare the blonde hiding under her blanket.
"Don't bother," the second writer sighs, "She's already said that to Cat. To her face."
"Kara? Wait, how did I not see this?"
"You were talking to Winn about something."
"It was an accident," Kara calls.
"Whatever. Ok, wait," Nia pauses, "Kara, I'll buy you gummy bears from the vending machine at the office, and no, you won't have to wait until lunch to eat candy."
Lena scoffs at the proposal.
"Yeah, and Lena will allow that when hell freezes over. I'm not going to work for Cat to come home to another annoyed ceo."
That makes Nia laugh and Lena roll her eyes.
"Kara," Lena says after some contemplation, "I'll call Alex."
That was the last straw.
Kara snapped up, her blonde curls messy, her jaw dropped.
Even Nia was shocked, Kara's jaw wasn't the only one hitting the floor.
"No, you wouldn't."
"I would."
"Fine," Kara gives in, "Alright, move. Get out so I can change," she says and stumbles out of her bed.
"Shower first," Nia calls on her way out, "You had a rough night yesterday."
"Fuck off."
Nia and Lena exit the room and decide to wait for Kara.
45 minutes pass and the raven haired girl checks the time.
"You guys are gonna be late."
"I'm calling Alex, this is not worth dealing with Cat's wrath."

To conclude this morning, Alex did show up. And Kara ending up getting her gummy bears, regardless. It was Nia's apology to her after calling Alex to terrorize Kara.

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