Damn You

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"You left Kara! I loved you, oh I loved you so much- and you left! I-I hurt you then you took off. You didn't bother to say good bye to Alex or even attempt to contact Clark. Just up and left. I love you but you were gone for eight months."

"I'm sorry."

"Do you know about your sister? Alex hates me, she blames me for you leaving. I do too. She despises me. But she goes out and gets drunk every night and drunk dials me from whatever bar she went to that night. Alex needs a ride home, she's scared Maggie's gonna get mad at her for breaking her promise to not go to a bar on the way home. Alex ends every phone call to me with an "I love you." And each fucking time she does, it's another stab in the heart. No she doesn't, she's just drunk and has no idea what she's saying."


"No, just listen to me. Maggie can't even decide if she hates the both of us or not. I bring Alex home every night but I drove you away. You left Alex without looking back but you're still Maggie's little sister. She doesn't like being home because it's a reminder of Alex not being at home so she doesn't stop working. Maggie has been shot three times while on patrol since you left. She hasn't even give herself enough time to heal from her first wound. She's on bed rest now because the consequences of that finally caught up with her."

"Is she ok? Is Alex ok?"

"Maggie will be ok. Alex hasn't left the apartment since Maggie's settled in. Didn't stop her from drinking though."

"I'm sorry-"

"Hold onto your apologies, I have more people to get through. Have you heard from Nia? No? That tracks because two months after you left, Nia spiraled into a depression. She misses her best friend. She doesn't leave her couch. I bring her groceries every week and stay to clean up and socialize with her. Her phone stays off just in case people try to contact her and I'm the only reason she has a job right now. She doesn't go to it of course, because she hasn't since you left. After I drop Alex off and give Maggie her meds then change her bandages, I go to Nia's place. Her roommate got sick of the mess and smell so she moved out. I cook Nia dinner every night then leave and repeat the cycle the next day."

"She- she hasn't been out since I left?"

"Nope. Like I said, she doesn't leave the couch. I'm the only connection she has with the outside world. Truth is, I don't even know if Nia eats the breakfast I bring her after treating Maggie's wounds and Alex's hangover, much to their displeasure. I can't even remember the last time she saw the sun or went a walk. Her alien genes allow her to not gain unnesacary ammounts of weight but still-"

"Lena please-"

"Wait, just one more person. Brainy. Remember when the air was laced with kryptonite? And what happened to you? Yeah, it was one of the first times Brainy experienced emotions. He cried. Right in front of me, he just started crying. When you left, he tried to pour himself into work like Maggie but an accident in the lab left him slightly injured. I insisted he stay with me. He's been staying in my guest room since."

"But before I left-"

"Kara, look at me. Look me in the eyes. I can't even say that Brainy has been staying in my house! For the past six months, Brainy has been staying in my guest bedroom because he doesn't feel any need or motivation to move from the fucking bed. He got better, he just doesn't have the energy to move. He's so lonely, Kara, you were one of the only people he could goof around with. They all hate me so much, but without me god knows where they would be. I love you so much, they love you and you finally decide to show up again. Have you even gone to see anyone yet?"


Lena scoffs.

"I love you too," Kara starts, "and when you used the kryptonite on me, I realized you didn't love me anymore. I understand that I hurt you so incredibly bad. But that day, I realized you really, truly hated me. The person I loved didn't love me anymore. And then nothing mattered."

"Kara! I love you! I love you so much that I killed my brother! I killed him, I put the fucking barrel of a gun to his head and shot him. Then his last words to me are that the literal love of my life has been lying to my face for the past three years."

"I wanted to tell you everyday. And I would have, I just wanted to protect you."

"I am the baby sister of the pyscho lunatic that tried to kill Superman and drag all of Metropolis down with him. The Lex Luthor would play chess with me every monday and wednesday. Every month someone new tries to assasinate me because of his actions."

"I know, you didn't need my protection. But like I told you, I love you and when I thought you didn't the only thing I could do was leave."

"Fuck you, Kara. Fuck you. Everyone went through hell because you got hurt. God dammit, you are so selfish! You didn't even think, you don't think!"

Kara moves closer to Lena as the raven haired girl as her knees begin to buckle but she still manages to keep herself upright.

"Lena, you should sit down."

"No! No, it's not like you would care what happened to me anyway. Or anyone!"

"You know that's not true, whatsoever," Kara scoffs, shaking her head lightly.

"Do I really? Because I think my past year taking care of your  family proves different."

"God Lena, what do you want me to say?!" the hero yells.

"I don't know! I don't know what I want from you! It's kinda hard to know with everything that happened!"

"Come here," Kara says softly to Lena.


"Lena, please. Just come here."

Lena looks at Supergirl's face and her's softens.

"Fine," she huffs out.

Lena walks over to Kara, and allows her to hug her. It's awkward, that's kinda what happens when two people hug after not seeing each other for a year then yell at each other for another hour.

"If I could go back, I wouldn't have left," Kara whispered to Lena.



"Stop trying to get me to feel bad for you."

"That's not what I'm trying to do."

That angers Lena.

That's exactly what she trying to do.

The ceo pushes the blonde.

"Oof-" Kara let's Lena go after that horrificly awkward hug, she stays near though. She doesn't completely trust the idea that Lena will be able to support her own weight.

It's like the flip of a switch. It happened so quickly. It hurt Kara's brain.

"No, no! Fuck you! Fuck you, Supergirl!"

The reporter is shocked. How does one respond to such a quick change in behaviour?


"You get hurt, you leave, and then you act like you can make it all right again. You can't just do that!"

"That isn't what's happening-"

"It is."

Kara inches her body forward, if she could just hug Lena, or maybe just grab her shoulder, maybe she'll calm down.

Lena is too worked up to realize that Kara is moving closer to her until she's already there.

"Leave me alone," she hisses.

"No, you're not ok."

"I'm ok! In fact, I'm great! I've been great this whole time!"

"Stop it, Lena. You aren't ok." 

"No, no, I feel fine. So-so I don't need you. I didn't need you beforehand, I didn't need you during those eight months, and I most certainly do not need you now!"

"Ok, fine. Fine. I'll leave now.  You don't have to ever forgive me, but I want you to know I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

And then she's up. And away. And now Lena doesn't know what to do.

She tugs at her sleeves before muttering, "Damn you. Damn you, Supergirl."

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