Bee Pt. 2

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After everyone being treated to ice cream ("Kara you do not need that many toppings!" "You're the one that offered!" "To apologize to her girlfriend. And if I'm correct you're my girlfriend, not Maggie's."), both couple's went their seperate ways. Maggie and Alex going home to their baby pug, Gertrude, and Kara and Lena going home to binge watch all the Harry Potter movies in a weekend.
"I still can't believe you've never seen any of the movies. You've never even read the Harry Potter books? I know you're a book nerd."
"Gee thanks, and no. I've never read and or seen anything of the franchise."
"Unbeleiveable, you really had no childhood. And being a book nerd isn't a bad thing, I was a book nerd when I was in middle school."
"No you weren't, you were a theater kid."
"Don't even go there, teacher's pet."
"Band kid."
"Ugh, whatever. We're home," Kara scoffs as she unlocks the door and pushes it open.
"I'll grab your snacks and you get the movies?" Lena offers and makes her way to the kitchen.
"Why are you so hell bent on me watching these movies?" Lena questions Kara when she emerges from their bedroom with 8 dvds.
"Because, they mean a lot to me. I related to Harry. Losing his parents, protecting their honor, feeling like an outcast. Different. It comforted me. You didn't have a good childhood, I want to give you a piece of mine that really helped me."
"Wow, these really mean something to you, huh?"
"Yeah, they really do."
"Come over here."
"Why," Kara asks, looking up from the tv, "something wrong?"
"No, I just need help carrying all the food back."
"I'm sorry, let me grab some of it," the blonde rushes over to the island and balances several bowls and cups.
Lena notices the window in the living open and begins to panic a little.
"Kara, did you open the window?"
"Yeah, before I went into our bedroom."
At that answer, the little Luthor relaxes instantly.
"Ok, I was just worried someone got into the house when we were gone or something."
"No," Kara chuckles lightly at her girlfriend's mini freak out, "nothing like that, I would've heard something and told you if so."
"Yeah, I know, just my stupid Luthor brain."
"Hey, that stupids brain is gonna cure cancer, you know," Kara waves her finger at the raven haired girl which makes her laugh.
"Oh really?" Lena raises an eyebrow.
"We're counting on you, Ms. Luthor."
"Way to lessen the pressure, dork."
Just as the couple was going to move into the living room after their adorkable banter, Kara heard a faint buzz.
"Oh hell no," the blonde muttered.
"Kara..." Lena trails nervously, "is that a bee I see in the living room?"
Kara peers into the room, clad with pastel colors and throw pillows (with books and blankets all over the floor and coffee table due to Lena's addiction to reading and secret cuddly nature) and finds a little noisy insect buzzing right over their couch.
"Eek," the reporter squeals and pulls Lena in front of where she was standing and runs back into the kitchen, ducking behind the island.
"Kara, you traitor!" the ceo shrieked, "Why would you push me towards the intuder?" Lena asked as she ran towards Kara to hide.
"You get it out!"
"What? No! You're pratically invincible, the stinger can't break your skin!"
"You're a Luthor! You can scare it out of the house!"
Lena gapes at Kara's comment and her head whips around to glare at her girlfriend.
"That wasn't supposed to be ill intended, you're just a little bit scary, y'know?" the reporter sqeaks, quick to try to explain what she said.
"Yeah ok, I'm just gonna let that go. You still gotta get the bee out of the living room though."
"No! No, I'm not going near it!"
"Kara, you are a fucking alien. You've seen wierder shit. You have been turned into a baby and saved the world on multiple occasions yet you won't face a fuking insect that can't even harm you!"
During the couple's arguing, neither of them noticed that the bee had left the building after a careful inspection of the busy living room.
"Wait," Kara paused, "I can't hear it anymore."
"That should be good, right?" Lena questions and hops up from the floor.
"I mean yeah, we can carry on now."
"I'm mad at you," Lena quips as she plops down on the couch, Kara following suit.
"Wait, what? Why?" Kara pouts.
"Because you pushed me towards the bee."
"I'm sorry babe, will you still watch the movies with me?"
"Only if you chase out the next bee."
"Fine, deal. I love you," Kara agrees then kisses Lena's cheek.
"I love you too, dork."

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