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"Fingers, try to lay out for it this time!" The boys and Penny and Jenny are yelling to each other as I watch David run around the bases. He grabs my gaze and winks at me, just like the first time I was watching him play, and I flush red, I look away and pretend to not have seen it. We were practising for at least an hour before a group of guys showed up on bikes in uniforms. I have to blink a few times in disbelief as I watch their leader ride in like he owns the place. We all face them, dropping our bags and balls while glaring at the team as we walk over to meet them. I crack my fingers, my glare never leaving, Singleton's lanky body.

"Well, well, well, looky here. Sandlot screw-ups are so bad, they resulted to having their sisters play on their team." My ex-boyfriend sneers in a pathetic attempt to insult us.

"If it isn't John Singleton and his wimpy team." Mac faces up to him, the air is full of tension as our two teams glare at each other.

"Look who we have here." He smirks at me, his perverted eyes running up and down my body. David grabs my hand and stands in front of me slightly, his hand squeezing mine. My heart jumps to my throat, but settles as I feel less anxious, knowing he was here if anything happened.

"You are a piece of shit." I snap back and the Sandlot gang mocks him.

"Shut it, whore!" He yells and I feel my blood boil, my shoulders tensing. I watch David become furious in front of me, his free fist clenched. I come closer to him and run my free hand up and down his clothed arm in an attempt to calm us both down.

"What did you just say, bra wearer?!" Mac asks, drawing the attention back to him.


"I'm about to throw up because of your face, I'll just use your hair to mop it up, hippie!"

"Butt sniffer!"

"You bob for apples out of the toilet and you like it!"

"You play ball like a girl!"

"Excuse me!" Penny snaps at him, all eyes now on her.

"You heard me! Now go home and play with your dolls!" He states, getting in her face. The whole group silent until Penny shoves him, knocking him back a few steps. I let go of David and march toward him. Penny backs down.

"What's the matter, Singleton? Can't stand on your own two feet?" John shoves me harshly, making me stumble back a bit just like he had moments before. The boys grab David, making sure he doesn't move.

"What's a prissy little princess like you doing on a field, Hayley? You should back home with Mummy in the kitchen, no one wants to see a bastard child walking the streets." I feel my head ache from all of my pent-up anger. Without thinking, I swing my hand at his face and a loud slapping sound can be heard across the field. He stumbles again, tripping over his own feet while he grips his cheek. My hand stings slightly from the contact.

"Tomorrow, be there so we can own you. Now get the hell out of here, you misogynistic, worthless, disgusting pig!" My glare doesn't move from him as I radiate pure anger. John grabs his bike, muttering profanities under his breath as he and his team ride away. I inhale and exhale slowly, trying to calm myself down as they finally disappear. I turn to my team and walk over to Penny. "Are you okay?" I ask, concern laced in my voice. "I'm sorry, he's so horrible to deal with." I pull her into a hug, my friend stunned by the whole ordeal. I let go and turn to Jenny and the guys, who are standing there, watching in awe.

"How did you do that?!" Squints was the first to talk, his face still giving away his surprise.

"Singleton has hurt my friends and my teammates for far too long. I never let anyone stand in the way of what I want and he had it coming to him." I simply explain, determination coursing through me.

"No one has ever had the guts to stick up to John." Mac says, amazement written all over his face.

"I'm just tired of him pushing people around and slapping him felt good," I chuckle. "Now let's get practising. We have a game to win tomorrow!"

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