♡chapter nine♡

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After a little bit of small talk between everyone they decided they should go and eat breakfast

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After a little bit of small talk between everyone they decided they should go and eat breakfast. Miles, Flora and Y/n did a race for who was the fastest at their table. Miles and y/n let Flora win and she was so happy. The older kids pretended to be disappointed to make Flora believe they did their best.

For the whole breakfast Flora made small jokes about how she is the fastest, for example:

"Hey y/n, can you pass me the bread? Oh no I'll take it myself because I am the fastest."

"Hey Miles, can you stop talking in slow motion? Oh no wait that's me just being way faster that you will ever be!"

"Miles, y/n, do you hear that?" Making them both listen. "Oh no it's already over you guys just were TO SLOWWW."

Y/n thought it was funny but Miles got a little bit annoyed.

"Hey y/n, did you know fast people are more likely to be bewitched by a witch?" Miles said.

"Oh no I didn't" y/n looked at Flora getting a little bit scared. "You sure that's not just a thing people say to make someone scared?" Y/n hated to see Flora like this, her face was almost see through and she was shaking from fear.

"Nope, it's a proven fact." Miles said, he knew Flora would just remember this for an hour or so and after she would be back to her happy and careless self.

After breakfast they all went their own ways. Miles and y/n went back to their room, Flora went to her dolls, Kate went to clean a little bit around the house and Mrs. Grose went to do the dishes.

Flora was really scared, everywhere she looked she thought she saw or heared something. She started crying a little bit and went up to Miles' room.

"Hey y/n?" Miles started. Y/n nodded signing him to talk.
"What about to celebrate the fact that we got together by a date?"

"That sounds wonderful! When?"

"How about right now?"

"Perfect, let me change first!"


While Miles was waiting he heard a knock on the door. He was thinking about what to do with y/n.

The door opened and Miles was met with a petrified Flora.

"Hey, Miles? Can I please stay here a bit? I'm really scared." Flora said with the softest voice.

"I'm sorry but you can't."

"Why?" Flora was shocked, this was the first time ever Miles didn't want to help her when she was scared.

"Because I'm going out with y/n."

"Oh, okay." Flora said disappointed. She walked away passing Kate.

"Hey Flora what is wrong?" Kate said.

"I am scared about the witches but Miles can't help me."

"How come? He always helps you when you get scared."

"He is going out with y/n."

Kate saw this as an amazing opportunity to bring Flora at her side. "Oh it already started? That's fast..."

"What?" Kate made Flora confused and a little bit scared.

"Well when guys start dating they often forget about their sisters. Now it did started earlier than normal, I guess y/n just didn't want Miles sharing his attention..."

"What do you mean?"

"Did y/n say anything to Miles while he told you he couldn't help you?" The small girl shook her head no.

"Well that's because it was probably her idea, she doesn't want Miles around you anymore because she wants him all for herself.."

"That's mean..."

"Yes it is."

"I hate y/n now."

"I had for a long time Flora, I knew she wasn't a good influence for Miles."

Flora started crying even more. "So I lost Miles? Forever?"

"Of course not! When y/n is gone Miles will spend all his time with you!

"So I have to wait?"

"Or, we might- no maybe not."

"We might what?"

"Well, we might be able to get y/n to leave?"


"I'm not sure yet but we'll figure something out."

"You promise Miles will spend all his time into me?"


"Okay, let's do it."

My Girl //M.F. ×readerWhere stories live. Discover now