Just One Kiss Ch 10

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The next day didn't start out right for Tia- what day did these days? First her mother chose to come in her room and wake her up by screaming at her. Then she got scolded for not listening and for smelling awful. Tia knew for a fact that she didn't smell awful she just smelled like paint but her mother didn't want to hear this. She just shouted at Tia more for interrupting her.

Then when she was finally allowed to get up from her bed and get ready for school her mother had an issue with her clothes and made her change which made her late for school only to realise while she was dashing in that she had forgotten to take her homework by the time she had made the trip home and back to school she had missed two classes.

The rest of the day was just as bad. It seemed like all the teachers had come to school with their bad moods and decided to take it out on students and it turned out that the swim team had won a meet and this upset Tia greatly because she hadn't been there to partake in their victory. This bad day set the tone for the rest of the week. To make things worse Tia was not allowed to sleep over at Nando's for the week. Though Wade's reasoning was sound it still irritated her that she had to stay home and suffer when she could've been free for a week. Wade knew he had disappointed her but he reminded her that for her plan to disappear to work Ferdinand had to remain a secret. If she when and stayed with him for a week her mother would demand to know where she was and Wade didn't want to lie. She was however permitted to continue to go over to his house every day.

When Danté and the rest of his family returned at the end of the week from hell he decided that Tia should have a spare key so that she could come and use their studio whenever she wanted without them being there.

He also assessed Tia's progress with the portrait and pronounced himself pleased with where she had gotten thus far. He also, at Nando's instances, took a look at her sketches for her clothing line and made a request for a shirt. This had brought a smile to Tia's face and made her think that though the week had been one from hell, it had ended ok.

The following week was no better than the previous one and neither was the one after that. Every day was a screaming match between Tia, her mother and Rahul when he was home (which wasn't often thank god) in which everyone screamed at Tia with Wade playing referee. With all that was going on Tia was shocked when she realised that only four months had elapsed out of the year. Had it been only January when she and Rahul had turned sixteen and twenty respectively and had attended Michelle's party? It seemed like it was the end of the year already and they weren't even half way through the year yet. Imagine only four months into the year had past and her life had changed so much. She and Rahul were not talking; her mother had banned her from her beloved sports, friends and was arguing with her 24/7. She had realised that she was an artist, had an idea for a fashion line which was probably the only good thing that came out of her fights with Rahul but if the stain between continued between herself and almost all the members of her family she would have to go. It made no sense staying and fight something when the person or persons involved were not going to budge and you felt like you were losing yourself in the process.

By the first of May around Tia was ready to call it quits. She just couldn't take it anymore. She had reached the point where more than anything she dreaded going home at night. Thank heaven Mrs. Del's portrait was finished and that she was graduating from school in a week. There wouldn't anything to keep her here. She could disappear the day after graduation if she wanted but there was still one problem-Rahul. Try as they might they couldn't seem to factor him into the plan. Little did they know that the day after graduation he would solve their problem of what to do with him on his own.

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