Just One Kiss Ch 40

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Shaka waited in terror until she was sure that her Grandmother was a safe distance and wouldn't be coming back before she waded into the lake and tried to pull Tia out but her friend was too heavy. Realizing that Tia's skirt was still stuck she drove under the water and was able to free the skirt but she was still unable to move her friend. Scared Shaka got out of the lake and hurried back to the castle as fast as her legs could carry her. She had to get her Daddy. As she ran she prayed that she would not encounter her Grandmother because she would take one look at her and know that Shaka had seen what she had done and then who knows what would happen.

Fear gave her feet wings and the little girl burst inside the castle. "Daddy!!! Where are you Daddy?! Come quick I need you!" seeing one of the maids she ran up to them. "Please, can you please tell me where Rahul Watinagi is?"

The maid took one look at the soaking child and knew that something was wrong. "What is it child?"

"I need my Daddy!"

The maid took the child by the hand and took her through the castle into one of the sitting rooms where the others were gathered talking. "Please, hurry, there isn't much time!" Shaka cried.

She let go of the woman's hand and burst into the sitting room paling a little more when she saw her Grandma in there. The two of them looked at each other and Shaka knew that her grandma knew she knew. Spotting her Daddy she went to him. "Daddy! Please come!" she gasped out.

Rahul looked at her alarmed at her condition. "Shaka, what happened? Why are you wet?"

"Daddy come quick Tia...!"

"What's wrong with Tia?" he asked. Everyone's attention was on them now.

"She's been hurt."

"Where Shaka?"

"In the lake. I couldn't get her out. Please Daddy, hurry she's face down in the water!"

Everyone jumped up now. "Where child?" King D'Mitri asked.

"I take you."

In the resulting flurry of action as everyone rushed out the door no one noticed the ugly look on Johanna's face.

Out of the castle they all ran frantically following Shaka as she retraced her steps to the lake praying that she wouldn't take a wrong turn and that they would reach Tia in time. After what seemed like forever they reached the point where Tia had been pushed and saw her still face down in the water. Rahul and Nando waded in Rahul got to her first and picked her up and lying her gentling on the ground he and Nando began CPR. Soon Tia began to cough bringing up the water she had swallowed.

"Thank God!" Cried the Queen with tears in her eyes.

The crowd parted and Rahul carried Tia swiftly back to the castle. Where she was given a warm bath and tucked into bed. Shaka received the same treatment though she had to be coaxed to leave Tia's side. The two of them fell asleep almost immediately so the friends were forced to wait until one of them woke to tell them what happened.

Tia woke up feeling very hungry. That's weird, I'm dead. I shouldn't be hungry. Her stomach rumbled again and then it hit her she was alive! Someone had saved her! She opened her eyes and looked around. She was in her room and Rahul was asleep with his head resting on her bed. Her Dad, Wade, Kayla, Gabby, Lan and Nando were all asleep in chairs around her bed while Shaka was asleep on a cot next to her bed. Who had saved her?

Confused she shifted. Rahul woke up instantly. "Tia, you're awake!"

 His cry woke everybody else and they all crowded round the bed. Shaka climbed up onto the bed and hugged her tightly. "I was so afraid for you! I thought you would die." She said bursting into tears. Tia comforted her and looked at Rahul. "Who saved me?"

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