Chapter Fourteen

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❤️This chapter is dedicated to my loving fiancé, who was my personal path to recovery. I love you Dakota. ❤️

Thank you for everyone who continues to read my story, more chapters are coming soon.

Charlotte closes the shade to her windows before gulping down her juice, her hand shaking with nerves as the plane slowly starts to taxi down the runway. Her eyes squeeze shut as she feels the engines start to roar. Slowly the plane begins to fly above the clouds.

"It's ok Charlotte, open your eyes darling, look out the window at the clouds." Bryan says softly.

"I-I dont wanna... I'm scared Bryan." Charlotte squeak out, her voice cracking. "I can't do this." She says, her breathing becoming rapid.

Bryan quickly stands up, starting to go through his bag. He pulls out charlottes inhaler, rushing to her, he gently unbuckles her from her seat. Bryan pulls Charlotte into his lap, placing the inhaler between her lips.

"Take a deep breath." He says gently, his eyes begging for her to breathe in and start to relax.

Charlotte takes a ragged breath, her lungs gasping for sweet relief. The fire ignited within them being extinguished slowly as her breaths start to slow. Alyssa appears with a bottle of water crouching next to them, looking at Charlotte with concern.

"Is she ok to recline her seat?" Bryan asks as he gently puts the water to charlottes lips, watching her drink slowly.

"Of course, I'll dim the lights so that she can relax." Alyssa says softly, climbing to her feat.

Bryan stands you still with Charlotte incased in his arms. He grabs his drink, placing it on the table next to her apple juice, before grabbing the charcuterie board and placing it with the drinks. Bryan sits in charlottes seat, reclining with her in his lap.

"Here princess." He says softly, putting a slice of cheese on a cracker to get lips. "Please have a snack, it'll help you relax."

Charlottes trembling lips part as she takes the bite into her mouth, chewing slowly. Her eyes glancing at her glass of juice.

Almost as if he could read her mind Bryan raises it to her lips allowing her to drink a small sip. He loves this, he wants to protect her, care for her, love her. There's never been this feeling in his heart before, but with Charlotte there's something different.

Charlotte sits up, her legs perpendicular with Bryan's body as she gets a handful of grapes from the board. Slowly she starts to eat them, her body slowly calming, gently melting into his body.

"You relaxed now? Do you think you'll need your inhaler again?" Bryan asks softly stroking her hair. "I won't put it away, I just want to make sure you're alright."

Charlotte nods slowly, her mouth full with a few grapes. Bryan can see the embarrassment on her face. He gently takes the grapes from her, picking them off the stems before offering one to her lips. Charlotte opens, accepting the snack from him. This will be a moment that they will remember for the rest of their lives. Shes met a man who knows her brokenness, is so willing to love her, and save her. Bryan has met a woman who just has skinned the surface of his traumas, and is worried to let her in, but he's willing. Their relationship is a path to recovery for each of them.

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