0.7 // Real

327 14 3

a/n :  this one's a lil fluffy, not really, but i'd like to think it is, it made me smile a lot :)

Glasgow, Scotland

The first off day on this stretch of the tour was much needed. The headaches I was getting post-show were coming more frequently, however not enough to make me despise my job. Actually, the headaches were kind of a blessing because it meant that I got to sit down in the back of the bus watching The Office for the third time with Awsten as he sipped on his throat tea and offered me the last of the strawberries from the fridge that were now mushy and bland.

Waking up today I knew I was going to be alone, the boys were set to do a shoot with Jawn and while I could've tagged along, I felt myself getting sicker by the second so I decided against it, settling for texting Awsten throughout the day instead of bringing around my plague to the rest of the band.

When I woke up the bus was empty, leaving me to brush my teeth with my phone blasting Underoath's "They're Only Chasing Safety" album. It was a good way to get my blood pumping and not be so lazy for the entire day. After freshening up and singing the lyrics to Reinventing Your Exit in the mirror, I decided to clean up the front room a bit, the mess form last night's Mario Kart tournament pretty obvious.

Before starting, I texted Awsten to let him know that I was feeling a little better, and to have fun at the shoot. Without a second thought I sent the message, tossing my phone on the couch before collecting the empty cans that were scattered around the living room.

By the time I finished cleaning up, the album was already playing for the second time and I decided to switch it up. Glancing at my messages app for a text back, I saw nothing and shrugged it off. Going back to Spotify to put on "The Silence in Black and White" by Hawthorne Heights.

In the midst of my cleaning I noticed a few pieces of paper peeking out from the storage underneath one of the benches. Curious, I opened up the bench, noting the copious amounts of popcorn and random wires that were scattered around before taking the papers that were peeking out in my hands. There was about five, folded up with the words "Jawn don't fucking look at this" scribbled across the page. I laughed to myself, deciding whether or not to peek at whatever was written by Awsten, obviously he wrote them considering it was his handwriting and his tone of voice on the page.

I pulled apart one page,  barely making out the word "Christmas" before folding it back up. If he didn't want Jawn seeing this, I'm sure he really didn't want anyone seeing it. Especially if it was tucked away in one of the least used storage benches in the bus. I put the papers back, closing the bench before standing back up.

Surely if it was something he wanted anyone to see he would've shown me by now... right? I mean we really don't keep secrets from each other. I shook my head, pushing the thoughts of doubt in the back of my mind before wandering over to my phone where Niki FM was playing. I opened up the messages app, seeing a new notification.

From: Aws <3

PERFECT, this means you'll be a-okay to get dinner together 

We found this place and it reminded me of you

sweet [awsten knight]Where stories live. Discover now