0.8 // Someone

296 17 10

Leeds, England

The past few days were rushed and hectic, leaving no one with time to breathe really. Between press for the fall headline tour, soundcheck, meet and greets, and the actual show it was hard to get any time to talk. Along with that, running the merch table and taking the occasional 30 minutes off to take photos has been stressful enough. Loading and unloading boxes of merch and then going straight to the bus to edit photos has been hectic, to say the least.

It was only here, in Leeds, where I finally got an ounce of free time with Awsten and the other guys. We left Glasgow early to get to Leeds early, which gave us time to walk around a little and do whatever we wanted before a Rocksound representative would come in to interview the guys. The venue, Key Club, was small and was in the perfect place to get out and shop around with a mall literally feet away from the venue.

We were aimlessly walking around the mall when Otto and Geoff decided to stop at a coffee shop, dragging both me and Awsten in with them, regardless of the fact that we already had two cups of coffee on the bus. Awsten and I took a seat as the other two ordered, pulling out our phones immediately.

"We should ditch them," Awsten noted, I looked over to him, watching as he pulled open the maps app to start looking around for things to do around here. I shook my head, laughing.

"No way, I haven't hung out with them like this in a while, it's well deserved," I told him, putting my phone down on the table as Otto and Geoff approached with their drinks.

"Really on our 7th monthaversary?" He scoffed, tossing his phone on the table childishly. I furrowed my eyebrows, looking at him like he was crazy. The other two sat down, now silent as they watched our conversation unfold.

"It's not today," I chuckled.

"You seem to forget that we decided on the 26th, remember?"

I shook my head. HE decided on the 26th, however since that was his decision I guess I forgot about it a lot. I considered it to be on the 1st of March, while he thought it was on the 26th of February. I guess they're only a couple of days apart so it doesn't matter that much, but it would be nice to agree on a date.

"What do Geoff and Otto think?" I asked with a smirk, looking over at the two as the sipped on their drinks with wide eyes.

"Oh so now they're part of our relationship!" He sighed, in a joking way because of the way he smiled at the end of his sigh.

I chuckled before I nodded at the two as I waited for an answer. I actually did wonder what they thought about this, for some reason it felt like they would be the ones to know out of the four of us. You know, because they have girlfriends.

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