...has Joined the Party

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I ran over to where the sound was coming from and hid among the plants. Stealth mode activated! Two individuals were fighting off insects. Calling them insects was an understatement. They were monsterous creatures that would have ridden up to my hip if I were closer. They resembled the bugs I'd seen in town, only they would probably have taken me out with one swipe.

A young man with specs was fit head to toe in a shining suit of armor. I'd never seen a suit so bright before. If that's what all Altera soldiers wore, I couldn't help but wonder how he worked in something so heavy. The other person opposite of him was...a g-girl. She had a pink cloak, sleeved dress, a glove on her right hand, and a staff that cast spells. Gosh, was she cute. A mage traveling with an armored knight. Or was she a witch? Dang it, I got those two mixed up a lot. Even still, it was something I admit I'd never seen before. I guess it was common wherever they were from...

Before I knew it, all of the creatures were taken down and disintegrated with ease. Thank goodness no one got hurt. I breathed a sigh of relief. The knight's head snapped up and turned in my direction. "Hey! I say, you over there!" The young armored guy began rushing himself toward me at a hastened march, sword in hand. "Yes, you! Right there. What are you doing?" I swiftly turned myself around, ready to make a run for it, but tripped over a rock instead. My entire knapsack burst open as I fell face first into the ground.

 Perhaps I wasn't the most nimble in these situations as I thought

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Perhaps I wasn't the most nimble in these situations as I thought.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" I heard someone say above me. I looked up from the flatten dirt and weeds to see the cute mage leaning down, with hand extended out to me. No girl in Villa Evergreen did such a thing as that.

"Wow, that could've been a nasty fall had you hit that rock there." The knight said looking down, kicking the large stone next to my head. "You weren't meddling where you shouldn't have, were you?" He asked.

Shocked, I backed up again a tree, shaking my head. "No, no, sir knight, sir. You've got it all wrong. I was just curious about all the commotion was. Please understand, I am but a lowly traveler." I rambled as the mage swiftly helped me up. She was smiling the most genuine and carefree of smiles.

"Don't worry about him. His assertiveness can be intimidating sometimes. At least you didn't fall too hard." She said gleefully. I smiled back. She seemed nice.

"Oh, crap. My stuff!" I exclaimed, looking right and left at the sight of all my belongings scattered about. "Oh no!" I found the bread and cheese Mom made me covered in prickly weeds. I sighed sadly. What a way to start an adventure. I grabbed my knapcloth and began picking up what I could find.

"Here, allow me." The girl said as her staff lit up, tapping the ground. One at a time, each of my belongings was lifted off the ground and collected into one place in the air. I stood in awe, all of my items were lowered into the cloth in my hands.

"Oh, wow. That's some power!" The armor boy and I said before the girl turned away and threw up.

After the girl caught her breath, she turned back. "Well, *cough* as you can see, it comes with a price. *cough*" The armor boy walked over and patted her on the shoulder. "No, Lady Uraraka. That was amazing. I do not know how magic works, but I know that one day this hinderance will seize to exist!" He exclaimed.

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