Untapped Ale

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Once everyone was awake, we all agreed on a plan. Momo allowed us to ride in town with her and Todoroki so we wouldn't waste another day and a half walking. When we arrived at the entrance of town, we all agreed to split up and reconvene in the town square at lunch. Iida needed to renew his soldier's license, Uraraka wanted to go buy some herbs and elemental spell books, and I needed intel on All Might's whereabouts in town. That gave us three hours to ourselves. That would have been the case, had Momo and Todoroki not pulled me aside the second Iida and Uraraka turned their backs.

"We know a place where you can get the best of intel." Momo said, giving Todoroki a deep blue cloak before guiding the two of us down a narrowly lit alley toward the sound of movement. Before I could make awkward worry of their time, Momo nodded with a strange light in her eyes. "It's the least we can do for putting your life on the line for Shōto." She said, walking us to a destination, sandwiching Todoroki single file between us. Thank goodness for that, otherwise, I would have found myself focusing elsewhere...

The buildings and houses were so close together here. Some folks shoved us and others excused us on their way about. Some swept the streets for a penny, scoffed at or greeted us with praise. Aside from looking like nobles and asking for a spare penny, no one behaved like Momo or Todoroki were from the neighboring kingdom or of royal status even. As if living among every class was normal. Come to think of it, none of these house had things you call backyards and made of expensive brick. Even the ground floor was paved with evened cobble. I needed to see more.

Todoroki eyed me as the three of us continued. "You look like a country bumpkin with that look on your face. Iida said you've never been out of the Great Forest until recently. It really shows." I looked at him with embarrassment. Did I really? I couldn't help it. It was a new place to see with new people. Who knew what the food tasted like out here. Or what was even to be bought or sold.

"How many times have you been here, Todoroki?" I asked before we emerged onto a quiet walkway that diverged from the main traffic heavy walkway. Todoroki lifted the cloak over his head, tucking his hair out of sight, and continued talking in a lower register. "Not daily. My appearance is far too noticeable to merit a leisurely stroll. And I've been told Alterarians are not as excited about the marital arrangement between Princess Mina and I as my father wants the masses to be. So, I have to keep my trips in and out of town minimal. Visits are usually just royal business anyways..."

"Are you excited to wed Princess—"

"No." Todoroki said before I could finish. Momo sighed as we continued to walk past some dirtied beggars. "The princess is far too fair and kind a noble, but I do not fancy a royal marriage in the slightest. Though her lasting attention on public rules and town issues turn solutions positive, the span for serious discussion is far to short on my tolerance." He said quietly.

Royal marriages were not his thing. He muttered a little more, but I couldn't deny something like this sullying one's view of what royal duties and love are, or if they could even consider them separate things...

I wonder if our villa mayors were ever notified or aware of these decisions that occurred outside of the forest. The Great Forest was like it's own isolated region of Continent Academia that did nothing but produce products or trade from those picking up said products. (The best known forest products being vegetables.) Not many laws from outside Great Forest applies to us. Our villas had merchants and apothecaries come in and out sometimes. It made me wonder if they were the ones that notified or brought attention to those sorts of matters. Maybe it was brought by the book seller. Come to think of it, there were a lot of highlights in certain books I purchased from him. Sending notes via highlighted excerpts would make for easy coding...

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