Uraraka Orgins II: Thou Shalt Stand Tall

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When I awoke, I was laying down on the couch full. My injured leg was propped up on a stained pillow, stinging from the stale air in the room being taken in. I could feel a wet rag on my forehead. I reached up to touch it, but all I could do was groan from the sore feeling all over.

"Oh, Midoriya! You're awake!" Iida exclaimed, leaning over my face. He took the rag from my forehead. "You've been asleep all day, a burning fever fueling it. Exactly what you expect after recovering from a laceration as such. I'm surprised it didn't get infected. Perhaps that was the work of good medicine in you."

I felt my eyes widened in terror, reliving the aches. I forced myself to clutch my left shoulder. Good...it didn't happen again. But I was still feeling a spell of dizzy haunting my vision. I moved my hand from my shoulder to my head. It was damp and roasting like a fire still. Iida went on as he dipped a new rag in a bowl of water, fill up and wring out a couple times.

"We got you stitched up, but it'd be safer to hold off putting weight on it. Until tomorrow morning would be the safest course of action if you ask me. If I'm being honestly, I'd rather in good health than forcing action."

Iida lay the cold rag across my forehead. My eyes glided over as he sat back down on the floor, crisscrossing his legs. His face shown an expression of stoic worry. He yawned. As he tapped his foot, I noticed his eyes were red and twitching. Had he been watching me this whole time? If so, then...

"Where did Uraraka go?" I asked, pinching the bridge of my nose, thinking it would help.

"She went to go get bandages and more herbs in...town to make more medicine for you." Iida stretched his arms out above his head. "She also put aside some of the leftover mixture from yesterday, so if you're still feeling sick—"

My eyes widened, turning tensely and peering into Iida's soul. "I don't want that medicine." I whispered, feeling my arms prickle with goosebumps.

"Why not? All medicine is good for you. Helps the body like an apple a day. Besides, it helped you when we stitched you u—"

"NO." I sat up, despite the pain and my head. "That stuff isn't medicine. I passed out from that syrup. No medicine should have done that." I clutched my head. I had to admit it out loud. It was quite clear at this point that the speculation I had was not a fever induced. "I think...Uraraka is a witch."

Iida pursed his lips and eased me back down. "You did say that before you passed out, Midoriya. I thought you were just having a delirious spell or something." His glasses lit with candle light. "But with how this town looks, the products they sell, and Uraraka's purple door, my knightly instincts tell me you may be right."

He...wasn't already considering it upon entering the town? Some knightly instincts...

"I'm back" I heard a voice muffle as the door creaked open. Uraraka walked in, carrying an array of jars, roots and wilted plants. She was smiling as she always was, which soon became unsettling to me.

"Welcome back, Uraraka! It's a miracle. Midoriya has awoke from his fever like you said!"

Uraraka looked surprised. "Oh, wow. That was a lot earlier than I expected." She said, placing all of her buys on the stone table. "I anticipated you'd be out for at least another day or so, but that's okay. It's good to see you're doing alright. Either way, we still would had to have waited until tomorrow to head out anyways. I've got a bandage now, so I can wrap up your wound. Agh, but it's probably super loose and achy after the stitches, huh? Why don't I whip up some ointment to—"

"No, Uraraka, wait!" I exclaimed before she could start mixing anything. Uraraka froze where she stood.

"Midoriya, it is unkind to disrupt a lady in her own house!"

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