Todoroki Orgins: The Royal Struggle

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The Endeavor Estate was a very remote home. One of the best their king had to offer. The living quarters were like any other home, and yet I'd never seen anything like it. Modest setup with a small kitchen, staircase, living room, and bedrooms. A three story home with fillable space and expensive decorations with the colors and designs that screamed at my eyes to notice them. In essence, it could pass as the apple of a common thief's eye.

We had interrupted Todoroki's older brother and sister, Natsuo and Fuyumi, right in the middle of preparing dinner. Even though Todoroki refused, his sister sent for his bodyguard in hopes of discussing his protection and safety from the Fire Dragon clan.

Thus, leading us to now, as the prince spoke as remotely of himself as he could. Though Todoroki said he would go first, I was trying to fathom the idea that I would have to talk about myself. I feared that the most. It was the reason why I stayed indoors, feared the dragons, and made me determined to find All Might.

"As you may already know, I am Prince Shōto Todoroki of Altera's neighboring kingdom, Okoite. It won't be in any of the books, but I am the fourth born to the warrior and king, Lord Endeavor." Todoroki said as his sister, Fuyumi, tended to our wounds. Uraraka was teetering in and out of sleep, and Iida was staring intimately at the prince, in hopes of not missing a single detail.

"Awe, come on, Shōto. Don't sound so glum when you talk about Dad like that." Fuyumi said as she rubbed a cooling mixture on my wound. Now THAT was a proper medicine for an injury. Why wasn't Uraraka staying awake to study this medicine?

Wait, he was the fourth born and youngest of the king's kin. So how was he the next in line to rule? Fuyumi butt in. "Our older, Natstuo, and I were sent to live here at the estate after Shōto was born. He had the potential Dad was looking for to be his next heir: immense potential with fire and ice. A gifted mage, proctor, and protector for the future of our kingdom. In exchange, Touy—um...our older brother, Natsu, and I got a normal life, weekly allowances for personal expenses, and a paid off living quarters. But, legitimately speaking, Shōto is the only recorded heir in Okoite."

Fuyumi lowered her head with a sad smile as she wrapped my leg. Some guy their king, no, father was. It was like playing favorites on a greater scale of the continent's map. Wait, if Todoroki was the youngest of four, why did only two of his elder siblings live there with him? There was Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Shōto. Who was the fourth one? Where was the fourth one?

Todoroki went on. "My only purpose in life was to be raised to fulfill his legacy. Become an impregnable leader in his image. He is a diplomat first over anything. not a caring man to me or Mother." He gritted his teeth at his sister, clutching the burn over his eye. "Seeing that he made her go mad at the sight of me, the three of you guys were better off here in the first place."

Fuyumi pursed her lips as Todoroki took a deep breath, a streak of flame escaping from the tip of his red hair. He had gone off track with his train of thought. I wouldn't blame him. With the his very kingdom riding on him being his father's successor, who wouldn't be worried. Or frustrated even. Fuyumi gave him a glass of water and whispered something in his ear. His brows furrowed before nodding with a sorry look in his eyes.

"He...he trained me how to be, not only a great ruler, but a versed fighter." He held his hands in front of him. "I can channel my fire and ice into my sword, but I'm a lot slower when doing so. And, for the record, I call my sword enchanted so no one like that Bakugo show up and asks me about the scale of my mage knowledge. Sure, our family is well known as high class mages, but most who study the art only wield one of healing and offense. I was...gifted with an affinity for overall offense on the scale of talent. What the dragons want with only half of it is beyond my knowledge."

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