A Wild Shōto Appears

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We somehow made it out of the forest the next day before the sun even left the sky. And when we finally emerged from the brush, my eyes widened with glee.

I shielded my eyes from the setting sun. I could see the rays of light dancing on a spread of water. Everything looked so vast and shined it's own hue. And just beyond the lake was barren land leading up to Altera. The grass was riddled with wildflowers and patches of low cut grass. Despite the ache in my leg, I could feel my breath being taken away as the wonder pulled my feet toward it. The ground felt more firm under my feet as I walked farther. The air was clearer than I'd ever thought. It almost hurt.

The flat land went on so far it faded off in the distance, only some trees and hills popping in view here and there. We were getting closer to Altera. Closer to the adventure guilds. Closer to information on All Might. I looked on to the palace spires and remembered seeing the Endeavor Estate from the height of Villa Evergreen. Was it around here? Did the spire look as grand up close in person? The spire...

I could feel the unpleasant sensation of remembering tug at me. It was coming on worse than usual. I clutched my chest and grit my teeth, feeling the tears well up in my eyes. No...not the memory. Not again.

"You're in my way! Move over, Deku."

"Kacchan, stop!"

"I'll show you. Stay back, loser!"

"Wait, it's coming, look out! NO, Kacchan!! Kac...chan."

"Damn it...Why? I told you to...stay back...Deku."

"Midoriya, look out!" Iida yelled as I felt myself get yanked back, falling hard on my backside. As I did, I heard the thundering of horse hoofs as they passed by me with intense strife. I blinked my tears away as I dusted the dirt and grass from my face to see what just happened. I looked up to see a well dressed young man riding his white steed. He had to have been my age, but why was he dressed was so ritzy? His clothes looked like fresh untouched fabric, so neat and clean. A noble maybe? Or perhaps a groundskeeper, or a family guard...


His hair was split red and white down the middle and he carried a sword on his belt. Every bit of him was almost picture perfect aside from the massive burn over his left eye. Wait, his eyes. They were two different colors. One brown and one blue. How fascinating.

"Hey, did thou hearth me not?" He asked, looking at Uraraka, Iida, and I with intense focus. "I asked what you were doing on this land. Dost thou not knowst these grounds are claimed under the...distinguished title, Endeavor?"

I looked to my left. A little way down, I could see a large and well kept cottage covered in ivy, surrounded by a stone wall. A magniloquent brick tower with a massive spire stood tall next to the home, a flag at the top suddenly opening up to the west wind. This was it, we were...we were on the estate land. It looked more beautiful than I thought!

"Iida, Uraraka, we did it! We're almost to Altera!" I exclaimed, kicking the ground excitedly with my legs. Uraraka shifted uncomfortably with her staff in hand.

"Hey, uh, Deku. Is now really the time to be pointing that out?" She asked as the boy on the horse lay his hand hovered over the hilt of his sword.

"State thy names and the reason why thou trespassen here or I shall label thee a disposable threat." He demanded, raising his voice.

Iida walked forth, chin up, and fist over his heart. "Stay thy blade, sir." He said, returning the noble lingo. "I am the younger brother of former esteemed knight, Tensei Iida. The three of us are but adventurers. We assembled our party just outside of Villa Evergreen a few days prior. We only intend to reach the capital of Altera." He bowed with arms at his side. "Forgive our intrusive rudeness, your grace. It would seem we hath taken a wrong turn. If thou shalt excuse us, we will be on our w—"

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