"Where am I?"

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Pic:what Aang looks like and what she's wearing
A/N: this doesn't completely follow the storyline of atla. It's kind mixed up.

We(katara, sokka, toph, zuko, suki, and I) have been in ember island for a few days now. Zuko has been training me almost nonstop so that I'm prepared to take on the fire lord.

I've been getting a pretty good handle on things if I do say do myself, which I do

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I've been getting a pretty good handle on things if I do say do myself, which I do. He even taught me how to redirect lightning.

"Doesn't it seems weird that we're hiding from the fire lord in his own house?" asks Katara from her place next to Toph.

"I told you, my father hasn't come here since our family was actually happy. And that was a long time ago," says Zuko wiping down his sweat after we finished training, "It's the last place anyone would think to look for us."

"You guys are not going to believe this," says Sokka as he enters with Suki, "There's a play about us."

"We were just in town and we found this poster," says Suki as Sokka holds up the poster.

"We were just in town and we found this poster," says Suki as Sokka holds up the poster

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"What? How is that possible?" questions Katara as Sokka shows us the poster.

"Listen to this: 'The Boy in the Iceberg' is a new production from acclaimed playwright Puan Tin, who scoured the globe, gathering information on the avatar. From the icy South Pole to the heart of Ba Sing Se. His sources include singing nomads, pirates, prisoners of war and a surprising my knowledgeable merchant of cabbage," Sokka reads off the poster.

"Brought to you by the critically acclaimed Ember Island Players," finishes Suki.

"Ugh," Zuko groans in distaste, "My mother used to take us to see them. They butchered 'Love Amongst the Dragons' every year."
Everyone looked his way as he spoke, but I notice Katara's gaze had a bit of sadness for her lover at the mention of his mother.

"Sokka do you really think it's a good idea for us to attend a play about ourselves?" Katara asks skeptical at the idea.

"Come on. A day at the theater? This is the kind of wacky time-wasting nonsense I've been missing,"Sokka exclaims with a grin holding us the poster. The rest of them agree.

Aang meets class 1-A (atla x bnha)Where stories live. Discover now