Meeting class 1-A

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I follow Mr.Aizawa out of the school. "You seem to have a handle on your ah uh bending as you call it?" asks Mr.Aizawa as we walk.

"Yes, it took a lot of hard work. When I had first awoken only a year ago I only knew how to air bend. When the siblings woke me up and informed me of the war, I made it my mission to learn the other three elements as quickly as possible so I could stop the war that I should have been around to stop years ago. Seeing the affects the war had on the nations became a motivator for me to work as hard as I could, for them. One of the siblings that found me was a water bender, the only one in the Southern Water Tribe because the fire nation killed the rest of them, or so they thought. Because she was the only one, she had no one to teach her. So she taught me what she could, and from there we learned and mastered it together at the Nothern Water tribe. My Earth bending teacher, Toph, she's a tough one a real hard head," I laugh at my own joke, "she has to be the greatest earth bender I know, probably the best ever."

"How so?" asks Aizawa.

"She's blind, but that never stop her. She uses her earth bending as an extension of herself and can use it to see. She calls it seeing with her feet," I say with a fond smile, "She uses the earth to feel others movements and is able to react what they're  going to do. She taught me how to use it like she does. She even invented this new way of bending. It's a subdivision of Earth bending, metal bending. It's amazing. She may be blind but she is definitely not weak," I finish, my voice seeping in admiration and pride for my friend.

"There's also Zuko, whom I mentioned earlier as the fire lord's son. He's an excellent fire bender and my teacher. He taught me how to redirect lightning, a subdivision of fire bending, which he learned from his uncle. At first he used to hunt me because that was the only way he could get his honor back. You see after his father burned him, Zuko was banished and sent to hunt the avatar which was the only way he could go back home and get his honor back. He was only 13 when it happened...But eventually he saw the error of his ways and realized his true destiny. To aid me in my quest to bring peace back to the four nations," I say with a smile glad Zuko chose to join us. "There's also Sokka, the other sibling who could me, who is an excellent swordsman and Suki who's a kyoshi warrior. The Kyoshi warriors were modeled after one of my past life's."

"Your friends seems like very impressive people," says Aizawa.

"Yeah they are..." I trail off becoming sad missing them.

"You must really miss them," he says somehow reading my mind. I nod.

"So how do you all have um abilities?" I ask curious.

"Well here about 80 percent of the world's population has this thing called a quirk. A quirk is a special ability a person has and it's very unique. For example the one who sneezed lightning at you, he can control electricity(I think). Quirks vary and are very different. The only way for people to have similar quirks is if they birth someone and their quirk is inherited by the child but that's not always the case," Mr. Aizawa explains to me.

"Cool," I say as we approach a large building.

We walk inside and move towards a large sitting area. "Wait here and I'll call the class down," Mr. Aizawa tells me. I sit down on the chair closest to me. He walks to a red button in the wall with a box above it. "Everyone report to the common area. I repeat everyone reply to the common area," he says pushing the button and speaking into the box. What an odd contraption.

3rd person POV

Class 1-A meet each other in the halls they can walk to the common room together. "What do you guys think Mr. Aizawa called us for?" asked Mina.

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