Exams pt.2

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3rd person pov

Kirishima and Sato are seen running through the fake city while Midoriya, Uraraka, Aang and Recovery Girl observe in the screening room.

Suddenly, a stone wall appears in front of them. They jump back just in time.

"Woah, fast reflexes!" Aang exclaims looking excited. The habitants of the screening room then see Sato downing a jar of sugar.

"Why is he eating sugar? Isn't too much back for you? Not to mention it tastes weird by itself." Aang asks the two students in the room.

Midoriya decides to answer her and says, "Well yeah, too much sugar is bad for you, but for Sato, it's a part of his quirk. He said his quirk is called sugar rush. The more sugar he eats, the stronger he gets.

Aang nods her head in understanding with her mouth on the shape of an O as to say 'oooooooh'.

Sato and Kirishima start their charge and run at Cementoss. Stone walls start growing out of the ground until it's almost completely covered with nearly no way in between.

Kirishima and Sato punch the first wall in their path but unfortunately only make a crater. "Wow, that's some solid rock," Uraraka comments. Midoriya nods in agreement.

The two examinees punch the wall again but this time they destroy the wall. "Wow! They're strong!" exclaims Aang.

Sato and Kirishima let out a battle cry and start punching through the rest of the walls. "Come on you guys! You've totally got him!" Uraraka encourages even though they can't hear her.

"They're not gonna win like this," Midoriya comments with a grim expression.

"Huh?" Uraraka says with a question in her eyes.

"Their quirks are amazing, but there's a limit to how long they can use them," Midoriya explains.

" Yeah...don't you think they'll get tired from punching so many walls? Mr. Cementoss looks like he not even putting much effort into making those walls," Aang says to the other inhabitants of the room as Kirishima and Sato continue punching through the walls. Uraraka nods her head in I'm understanding.

"If only earth benders could make that many walls so easily. For us we have to make all kinds of movement. Our bodies move in the way we want our element to move, but you're teacher, all he has to do in touch the ground and bam he can do what he wants with it," Aang finishes with a pout.

 Our bodies move in the way we want our element to move, but you're teacher, all he has to do in touch the ground and bam he can do what he wants with it," Aang finishes with a pout

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"Yeah I agree with Aang. I don't think Mr. Cementoss has the kind of limit they have. The more time that passes by, the more of a disadvantage they're at," states Midoriya.

"That's not good," Uraraka says with worried eyes.

"It's no coincidence they were matched up. Mr. Aizawa's pitting students against teachers they'll have a hard time against," says Midoriya. Uraraka lets out a small gasp and turns toward the screen even more worried.

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