The fight (bnha pov)

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Todoroki POV

"Who the hell are you?!" Bakugo yells taking a step forward at the girl a few yards in front of us. The girl reacts taking a step back with her hands in front of her.

"Stay back Bakugo," Mr. Aizawa says to Bakugo . Bakugo follows orders, backs down, begrudgingly I might add, and stays in place. The teachers start to move closer to her probably to try and talk to her.

"Teachers. Proceed with caution. She doesn't look to be older than any of our students," says Principal Nezu. They nod in response.

'She doesn't seem dangerous and is probably our age. I wonder what happened to her, she looks scared and panicked.' I think but keep my face's usually stoicism.

"S-stay back," she stutters nervously to the teachers at they continue their advancement. She puts her hands up in front of her self as if to defend herself.

 She puts her hands up in front of her self as if to defend herself

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(Looks like this)

Cementos makes a stone wall behind her to prevent her from running. How did she even get into UA this place has been made to be more secure ever since what happened at the USJ.

Midnight steps closer to her and tries to calm her down. Doesn't seem to be working though. I look to the rest of my class to see them look like they're ready to intervene. But really we should just leave this to the pros who know how to handle the situation.

The girl still continues to step back. I get a good look at her now and she's actually looks rather attractive. Wait... are those tattoos?! What kind of parent let's their kids get tattoos at our age?! To be honest they actually look kind of cool, but the blue arrows on her arms legs and head look odd at the same time though.

"Cover your noses," Midnight says to us. We all put our arms or our shirts to our mouths as to not inhale the sleeping gas. Midnight opens a slit in her suit and aims the pink sparkly looking gas to the girl. As the gas gets closer to her she moves her arms around and it looks like she's CONTROLLING IT?!

 As the gas gets closer to her she moves her arms around and it looks like she's CONTROLLING IT?!

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(Looks kind of like this)

She can control the air?! I've never seen such a quirk. It could probably be really powerful if used properly.

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