When the heart aches

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Amy's pov: our dance is pretty great but whenever I do partner work with Henry I feel a flutter in my chest. No it can't be, can it no I can't like Henry. Anyway we got picked to go first so we take our opening poses. The dance is amazing but I still can't stop thinking about Henry. We head off to the side and watch the others dance. There dance is really beautiful but when I watch Finn and piper dance I see the way he looks at her. But it's when they end the dance and he keeps his hands wrapped around her waist I know I'm not the one for him anymore. And piper looks at Finn with nothing but lust in her eyes.

Finns pov: the dance went pretty well I got lost in the moment and i think I held onto piper a little too long because when we turn back around all of A-troupe is staring at us. -well done dancers, did you get the shots you needed?- nick asks the cameraman -yup, we will be back in a few days to do a few interviews-. As soon as the rest of the team disperses Amy practically runs at me and piper -I need to talk to you two right now-she says as she grabs both of our wrists. She drags us to studio 1. -okay look Finn it's clear you don't want to be with me- she says -well- what-no- I struggle to get out -I see the way you look at her, and piper I see the way you look at him , I just want to know did anything happen between you two?- I see pipers cheeks go red -y-yes, we kissed- she tells Amy -Really Finn you couldn't have just broken up with me and then dated her!- Amy shouts -your right and I am so sorry I really didn't want you to get hurt- Amy has stopped looking at me and her attention goes to piper -It's bad enough you have feelings for my now ex-boyfriend but to kiss him especially while we where together that's not the piper I knew I don't know who you are anymore!- Amy shouts at piper -AMY it's not her fault blame me don't blame piper- I tell Amy. Amy's eyes shoot at the ground and when she looks back up I see the tears building -I thought you two cared about me, but clearly I was wrong you two deserve each other- she yells as she walks out.

Pipers pov: as Amy walks out I feel tears roll down my cheeks. I just lost my best friend. I go to grab my bag but Finn grabs my hand gently. With his other hand he lifts up my chin - piper I'm so sorry this is all my fault, I never meant for anyone to get hurt- he says as he stares into my eyes. At this point the tears are falling faster -but Finn she did get hurt and now I lost her I don't know what to do anymore-. He doesn't say anything but he does pull me into his arms. I put my head on his chest and start crying more then before. Finn runs his fingers through my hair -from the bottom of my heart I am so sorry-.

Finns pov: i feel awful not only did I hurt Amy I hurt piper. My heart aches for her if there was one thing I didn't want to do it was hurt her. I look up at the door and I see a camera. I let go of piper and just stare blankly at the man behind the camera. Piper runs to grab her bag and then sprints out of the room she just left the room when I start to run.

Whats gonna happen next?!?

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