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*is that thomas in the background?*

The gates wouldn't open, I sat in the car looking at my boyfriend, Alex who was smiling like an idiot

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The gates wouldn't open, I sat in the car looking at my boyfriend, Alex who was smiling like an idiot. Thomas emerged from the gates,

'what's going on here?',

I asked Thomas very confused. He didn't say anything but he quickly swapped seats with Alex and Alex quickly went to the backseat. I got nervous but also excited as I saw Thomas set up his camera and begin to record,

'so y/n, Alex asked me to something and I really wanted to help him and because you have helped me and our group so much I felt as though I should repay you, you know I also believe that when you do something good for others it will come back around',

Thomas said talking to me and the camera.

'okay what the actual fuck is going on, I'm not use to this type of Thomas! Go back to tazing me!',

I said getting scared, Alex put his hands on my shoulders,

'baby calm down',

Alex said. Thomas picked up a Bang Energy Drink and opened it,

'Thomas hurry the fuck up!',

Alex yelled getting impatient. Thomas and I both laughed, Thomas pressed the gat ekey and they began to open. I was looking at Thomas who was looking at me,

'Don't look at me look forward!',

Thomas yelled at me. I began looking and forward, I couldn't see anything but as the gate began to open more I saw that there were people. As it kept going I realized that it was my family, my family who I hadn't seen in over a year as the lived out of the country. I began to cry, no I began to cry I looked at Thomas,

'oh my god! I've never seen you cry like this',

Thomas said as I saw tears begin to form in his eyes, I leant over to him and gave me a hug,

'Thomas I can't thank you enough',

I said while hugging him,

'You're welcome but it wasn't my idea I just executed it, oh god now I'm crying',

Thomas said wiping his tears away. I looked to the back of the car and saw Alex sitting there with tears in his eyes but a smile on his face. I went to leave the car but the doors were looked,

'let me out Thomas!',

I yelled getting impatient. Thomas opened up all the doors, I quickly got out of the car and so did Alex. I quickly ran to him and hugged him, I pulled away and gave him a long kiss. I pulled away,

'thank you bub I truly don't deserve you',

I whispered into Alex's ear. Alex pulled away still holding onto me,

'are you kidding me bubba? you have changed mt life entirely',

Alex said, he fully let go but grabbed my hand pulling me over to where my family was but as I got closer I realized that it wasn't just my family but all of our friends there. Alex slowly got on one knee, I was already crying but realizing what was about to happen made me cry even more,

'y/n you have changed my life so much, I couldn't imagine my life without you and to be honest I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. The moment I knew you were the one for me was when you broke you're wrist and the first thing you said to me was sorry I didn't do it for the camera even though you were in so much pain, you wanted me to have footage. It's moments like that, like when you make me laugh over the dumbest things, when you get drunk because I don't have enough content or when you stay up with me all night when I edit not because you have to but because you want to. I mean you got a long with my friends instantly and that is something I will never find in anyone else. For so many reasons I want to ask you this and I know we're young, Will you marry me and be mine forever?',

Alex asked. Throughout the speech I was somehow nodding, laughing and crying. My heart had never felt so full, I was speechless, I just kept nodding my head. Alex stood up and but the ring on my finger. He pulled me into a hug, I didn't want to let go but I knew I had to go and say hi to my family.

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